
时间:2025-03-07 09:16:38 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员

在《声临其境》的舞台上,迪士尼反传统曲目"后妈茶话会"(Tough Love)因其独特的魅力大放异彩。这首歌,原为PattyCake团队创作的Villains Liar系列,歌词中的智慧和深度值得我们深入探讨。故事围绕灰姑娘的后妈Lady Tremaine展开,她的话语里隐藏着对现实的犀利洞察和对教育的独特见解。

Lady Tremaine从一开始就展现了她的转变策略。早年,她母亲期望她通过婚姻来提升社会地位,先是出于爱,而后是追求贵族的身份。歌词中,“noble brow”这一词,巧妙地描绘了贵族阶层的象征。她对待灰姑娘的教育方式,尽管看似冷酷,实则深思熟虑,如歌词所言:“我将她藏于阁楼,以免视线触及,免于心生怜悯。本可弃之,但我选择了宽容,因为我知道,教育棘手的孩子,需要巧妙的引导。”

歌词中,灰姑娘的天真被用“Doe-eyed Beauty”形容,而她的成长过程则被比喻为从温室花朵到独立自主的转变。通过这样的母女合唱,歌词巧妙地传达了教育的深意,那就是教会孩子面对现实,而非简单粗暴的对待。


这首歌以“Highway”为象征,女王的形象体现了她对权力的渴望,以及对白雪公主的严苛统治,暗含着牺牲和命运的隐喻。然而,白雪公主的乐观和歌曲中的“Seal one's fate”揭示了命运的不可预知和坚持自我梦想的力量。尽管被贴上“邪恶”标签,但歌词中“强硬的爱”揭示了教育者背后的深刻关怀,以及对成长之路的严厉与呵护。




Ever since I was a girl my own mother vowed(起誓)

I must find the way to power through a noble brow顶级贵族

I married once for love, then my senses came

I must marry for the stature名望 of my husband's name

Onto marriage number two

I knew what I had to do

my poor husband fell ill in a year or two

Solved problem number one, now to problem number two

His doe-eyed天真无邪的 little girl with gentle point of view

Would I ship her off to school?

No! I told her if she stayed that she’d have

To earn her keep and so she became the maid女仆


She was lazy!she was crazy!

She was talking to the mice!

She was hopelessly naïve, so she had to pay the price

I moved her to the attic阁楼 out of sight and out of mind

I could have thrown her out, but I am benevolent仁慈的 and kind


Mother, your heart’s too big for you

I knew what I had to do~

After all, difficult children will take advantage of your good nature

So you lock them up, throw away the key

There’s one on every family tree




Vile邪恶的 too, the things she put you through!

Break their spirit so they obey

Now they’ll do anything you say

Maybe you’d call it cruel but others would call it love

Tough love

I ask you, is it a crime to strive for perfection in all things?


Oh no, they’re so cute when they’re little but

Then they grow up and just ruin everything

I never wanted children, life was better on my own

All the screaming, nagging喋喋不休 chilled寒冷 me to the bone

But then one day I came across a flower growing free

Its magic kept me young, so I kept it all for me

But someone dug it up, now a baby held the power

So I“borrowed” her, locked her up and hid her in a tower

Years went by, Oh! the sacrifice!

And against my better judgement, I fed her once or twice

Teenagers now I know I wild eat their young

But that’s messy

Manipulation’s easily more fun

A little guilt, a lot of force, of course you have to lie

Remind them that without you, they’d shrivel up枯萎and die

They only have themselves to blame

If you’d been there, you’d do the same





热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词