
时间:2025-03-05 03:05:31 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员

You know an apple a day你知道,“一天一苹果”

Won't keep the doctor away并不能保证“医生远离我”

Welcome to the cliches welcome to the part欢迎来到这个地方,还有这些陈词滥调

Where we wanna finish我们想要结束的地方

What we can't start我们无法开始

Come and get me来吧靠近我

Just don't miss the water Until the well is dry不要等井干涸了才记挂水

You got to learn walking After you can fly Come and get me你要学会走,然后才会飞翔,靠近我

What goes in, will get out得到什么也会失去什么

What goes up, comes right down升得越高跌得越深

We go up, we go up, we go up我们不断上升

You know an apple a day你知道,“一天一苹果”

Won't keep the doctor away并不能保证“医生远离我”

Were never taught what we teach我们不会被教导

And won't practice what we preach也不会参与念叨

You know an apple a day你知道,“一天一苹果”

Won't keep my troubles away并不能让烦恼远离

Once bitten bye, bye一次被咬,从此再见

All the cliches is here to die那些陈词滥调在此死去

Just eat all the people On your way up吃掉在你前进路上的人

Cause they will eat your heart out他们会嗜食你的心

On your way down Come and get me在你跌落的时候靠近我

Start what you can't finish开始你不能了结的那些

Stick to what you can't带上你无法做到的

Life is here to help us生活会帮助我们

Get things out of hand Come and get us让一切明朗

What goes in, will get out得到什么也会失去什么

What goes up, comes right down升得越高跌得越深

We go up, we go up, we go up我们不断上升

You know an apple a day你知道,“一天一苹果”

Won't keep the doctor away并不能保证“医生远离我”

Were never taught what we teach我们不会被教导

And won't practice what we preach也不会参与念叨

You know an apple a day你知道,“一天一苹果”

Won't keep my troubles away并不能让烦恼远离

Once bitten bye, bye一次被咬,从此再见

All the cliches is here to die那些陈词滥调在此死去

Cause you are what you're eating你知道你吃下的是什么

Don't stick to what's true不要与真实扯上关系

You are what you're eating吃的是什么,你就是什么

Let it come as it came让它走,正如它来

We are what we are我们就是我们

What's build up will fall建立起来的终将崩溃

Do what you want and be happy, be happy, be happy做你想做,只要你快乐

You know an apple a day你知道,“一天一苹果”

Won't keep the doctor away并不能保证“医生远离我”

Were never taught what we teach我们不会被教导

And won't practice what we preach也不会参与念叨

You know an apple a day你知道,“一天一苹果”

Won't keep my troubles away并不能让烦恼远离

Once bitten bye, bye一次被咬,从此再见

All the cliches is here to die那些陈词滥调在此死去

Cause you are what you're eating你知道你吃下的是什么

Don't stick to what's true不要与真实扯上关系

You are what you're eating吃的是什么,你就是什么

Let it come as it came让它走,正如它来

We are what we are我们就是我们

What's build up will fall建立起来的终将崩溃

Do what you want and be happy, be happy, be happy做你想做,只要你快乐

It keeps coming back to me「它一直紧随着我」

I remember this pain「让我牢记痛苦」

It spreads across my eyes「它从我眼前掠过」

Every thing is dull「一切都变得黯淡」

Everyone\'s smiling「所有人都在微笑」

they\'re smiling「他们在微笑」

It pushes me far far way「它推着我远去又远去」

I can\'t understand「我不明白」

Everything is blue「一切都那样忧伤」

Can you hear me out there?「你能在外面听到我的声音吗?」

Will you hold me now「希望你能现在就抱着」

Hold me now My frozen heart「抱着我冰冻的心」

I\'m gazing from the distance and「我远远地看着」

I felleverything pass through me「觉得一切都无法留在心中」

I can\'t be alone right now「我已无法独自一人活着」

Will you hold me now「希望你能现在就抱着」

Hold me now My frozen heart「抱着我冰冻的心」

I\'m lost in a deep winter sleep「我失落在冬天深深的安眠里」

I can\'t seem to find my way out alone「我一个人无法找到出路」

Can you wake me「你能叫醒我吗」

I know when I lef it in「我知道,当我接受它的时候」

It hides love from this moment「它从这一刻就把爱隐藏」

So I guard it close「因此我一直守护它」

I watch the moves it makes「我看着它渐渐改变」

But it gets me,but it gets me「可它捆住了我可它困住了我」

I wish I could understand how I「我到底要怎样做」

Could make it disappear,make it disappear「才能使他消失使他消失」

Anyone out there hear me now?「有人能在外面听到我的声音吗?」

Will you hold me now「希望你能现在就抱着」

Hold me now My frozen heart「抱着我冰冻的心」

kiss my lips and maybe you can「吻我好吗,你也许就能」

take me to your world for now「把我带到你的世界」

I can\'t be alone right now「我已无法独自一人活着」

Will you hold me now「希望你能现在就抱着」

Hold me now My frozen heart「抱着我冰冻的心」

Please make it all go away「请将它全部驱散」

Am I ever gonna feel myself again?「我会再次回到自己吗」

I hope I will「希望我能够如此」

Will you hold me now「希望你能现在就抱着」

Hold me now My frozen heart「抱着我冰冻的心」

I\'m gazing from the distance and「我远远地看着」

I felleverything pass through me「觉得一切都无法留在心中」

I can\'t be alone right now「我已无法独自一人活着」

Will you hold me now「希望你能现在就抱着」

Hold me now My frozen heart「抱着我冰冻的心」

I\'m lost in a deep winter sleep「我失落在冬天深深的安眠里」

I can\'t seem to find my way out alone「我一个人无法找到出路」

Can you wake me「你能叫醒我吗」

热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词