you for 歌词

时间:2025-03-05 10:19:11 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员

young for you


sunday’s coming i wanna drive my car

to your apartment with present like a star

forecaster said the weather may be rainy hard

but i know the sun will shine for us

oh lazy seagull fly me from the dark

i dress my jeans and feed my monkey banana

then i think my age how old,skyline how far

or we need each other in california

you show me your body before night comes down

i touch your face and promise to stay ever young

on this ivory beach we kissed so long

it seems that the passion’s never gone

you sing me your melody and i feel so please

i want you to want me to keep your dream

together we’ll run wild by a summer symphony

this is what we enjoyed not a fantasy

the tin-man’s surfing i wanna try my luck

to the top of tide rip like just have some drugs

i know you have no blame for my proud moonish heart

the golden beatnik park

oh diamond seashore drag me from the yard

incredible sunward i watch as you’re in photograph

for camera your smile’s so sweet,palm trees’ so lush

would you believe my honey it’s califonia

you show me your body before night comes down

i touch your face and promise to stay ever young

on this ivory beach we kissed so long

it seems that the passion’s never gone

you sing me your melody and i feel so please

i want you to want me to keep your dream

together we’ll run wild by a summer symphony

this is what we enjoyed not a fantasy








《Young For You》










sunday’s coming i wanna drive my car

to your apartment with present like a star

forecaster said the weather may be rainy hard

but i know the sun will shine for us

oh lazy seagull fly me from the dark

i dress my jeans and feed my monkey banana

then i think my age how old,skyline how far

or we need each other in california

you show me your body before night comes down

i touch your face and promise to stay ever young

on this ivory beach we kissed so long

it seems that the passion’s never gone

you sing me your melody and i feel so please

i want you to want me to keep your dream

together we’ll run wild by a summer symphony

this is what we enjoyed not a fantasy

the tin-man’s surfing i wanna try my luck

to the top of tide rip like just have some drugs

i know you have no blame for my proud moonish heart

welcome to the golden beatnik park

oh diamond seashore drag me from the yard

incredible sunward i watch as you’re in photograph

for camera your smile’s so sweet,palm trees’ so lush

would you believe my honey it’s califonia

日本TV动画《火影忍者疾风传》第十二季片尾曲 For Youfor you动画片尾曲截图汉译:献给你/为你歌:AZUここにあるのは君が今まで选んだ道の(此刻在你眼前的是你一直以来选择的道路)答え达よほら自信もって进めばいい(所通往的答案拿出信心继续走下去吧)とても自然なの雨上がりの(十分自然而然的愿雨过天晴的柏油路上)アスファルトに虹が架かるように(架起一道彩虹) Lonely风が吹いて(Lonely当一阵风吹过) Feeling気がついたよ(Feeling我终于察觉到了)答えはどこにも无いけど(尽管如今还看不到答案) Call me分かってるわ(Call me如今我已经明白) With you爱はいつも(With you真爱永远都是)与え合うもの For You(有付出才有收获 For You)きっと君はいつの日か(我相信你总有一天)この空を飞べるはずだから(能够飞上这片天空)何度つまずいたとしても For You(即使你一次又一次的受挫跌倒 For you)大切な事は1つ梦见る事(有一件事是最为重要的就是要永远地怀着梦想)心だけは闭ざさないでいて(至少别再锁上自己的心扉)伤ついても涙こらえ我慢してたよね(受伤的时候你也不曾流泪一直咬紧牙关忍耐着泪水)そんな君を一番近くで见てきたから(我一直都在离你最近的地方看着你一路走过来)何も言わなくても分かってるよ(即使你什么也不说我也能够去理解你)どんな时も顽张ってた事(因为你一直都是那么的努力) Runaway迷ったなら(Runway若你迷失了方向) Try again何度だって(Try again就不妨重新来过)やり直す事できるから(无论多少次都没问题) I'm here侧にいるわ(I'm here我就陪在你身边) Believing恐れないで(Believing你不必担心害怕)信じ合うこと For You(害怕去相信彼此 For you)きっと君もいつの日か(我相信你总有一天)この空を飞べるはずだから(能够飞上这片天空)何度伤ついたとしても For You(即使你一次又一次的满身伤痕 For you)大切な事は1つ梦见る事(有一件事是最为重要的就是要永远地怀着梦想)瞳だけはそらさないでいて(至少不要再移开你的目光)君が描く勇気がほら(看吧你所展示出的勇气)かけがえのない宝物に変わるよ(将会成为无可替代的宝物)今両手ひろげ Fly high(此刻请展开双臂尽情飞翔)きっと君はいつの日か(我相信你总有一天)この空を飞べるはずだから(能够飞上这片天空)何度つまずいたとしても For You(即使你一次又一次的受挫跌倒 For You)大切な事は1つ梦见る事(有一件事是最为重要的就是要永远地怀着梦想)心だけは闭ざさないでいて(至少别再锁上自己的心扉)

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热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词