Wild rose歌词

时间:2025-03-05 03:00:19 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员

Where The Wild Roses Grow


演唱:Nick Cave

They call me The Wild Rose(他们叫我野玫瑰)

But my name was Elisa Day(但我的名字是Elisa Day)

Why they call me it I do not know(我不知道他们为什么这样叫我)

For my name was Elisa Day(因为我的名字是Elisa Day)

From the first day I saw I knew she was the one(第一天见面,我就知道他是唯一)

As she stared in my eyes and smiled(当她看着我的眼睛并且微笑)

For her lips were the colour of the roses(她的嘴唇是玫瑰的颜色)

That grew down the river, all bloody and wild(那些长在河边的玫瑰,血红的,野气的)

When he knocked on my door and entered the room(当他敲响我的门走进房间)

My trembling subsided in his sure embrace(在他坚定的拥抱中我的战栗平息了)

He would be my first man, and with a careful hand(将是我的第一个男人,他用手轻轻)

He wiped at the tears that ran down my face(擦去我脸上滑落的泪水)

They call me The Wild Rose(他们叫我野玫瑰)

But my name was Elisa Day(但我的名字是Elisa Day)

Why they call me it I do not know(我不知道他们为什么这样叫我)

For my name was Elisa Day(因为我的名字是Elisa Day)

On the second day I brought her a flower(第二天我带给她一朵花)

She was more beautiful than any woman I'd seen(她比所有我曾见过的女人都要美丽)

I said,"Do you know where the wild roses grow(我说:“你是否知道何处的野玫瑰长得)

So sweet and scarlet and free?"(如此甜美,鲜红和自由)

On the second day he came with a single red rose(第二天他带来一朵孤独的红玫瑰)

Said:"Will you give me your loss and your sorrow?"(说:”你是否愿意把你的失落和悲伤交给我?)

I nodded my head, as I lay on the bed(我点点头,在床上躺下)

He said,"If I show you the roses will you follow?"(他说:”如果我指给你看那些玫瑰你是否会跟着我来?)

He call me The Wild Rose(他叫我野玫瑰)

But my name was Elisa Day(但我的名字是Elisa Day)

Why He call me it I do not know(我不知道他为什么这样叫我)

For my name was Elisa Day(因为我的名字是Elisa Day)

On the third day he took me to the river(第三天他带我去了那条河边)

He showed me the roses and we kissed(让我看那些玫瑰然后我们接吻)

And the last thing I heard was a muttered word(我最后听到的是一句呢喃)

As he stood smiling above me with a rock in his fist(当他手里拿着一块石头笑着站在我上面)

On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow(最后一天我带她到野玫瑰生长的地方)

And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief(她躺在河堤上,连风也轻飘得不敢惊动她)

As I kissed her goodbye, I said,"All beauty must die"(当我向她吻别,我说"美的归宿终是死亡")

And lent down and planted a rose between her teeth(我种了一朵玫瑰在她的唇间)

They call me The Wild Rose(他们叫我野玫瑰)

But my name was Elisa Day(但我的名字是Elisa Day)

Why they call me it I do not know(我不知道他们为什么这样叫我)

For my name was Elisa Day(因为我的名字是Elisa Day)

Nick Cave素有音乐界颓废诗人之称,还有“黑暗王子”



Where The Wild Roses Grow

所属专辑:Murder Ballads

所属歌手:Nick Cave

They call me the wild rose

But my name was elisa day

Why they call me it I do not know

For my name was elisa day

From the first day I saw her I knew she was the one

She stared in my eyes and smiled

For her lips were the colour of the roses

That grew down the river, all bloody and wild

When he knocked on my door and entered the room

My trembling subsided in his sure embrace

He would be my first man, and with a careful hand

He wiped at the tears that ran down my face


On the second day I brought her a flower

She was more beautiful than any woman Id seen

I said, do you know where the wild roses grow

So sweet and scarlet and free?

On the second day he came with a single red rose

Said: will you give me your loss and your


I nodded my head, as I lay on the bed

He said, if I show you the roses, will you



On the third day he took me to the river

He showed me the roses and we kissed

And the last thing I heard was a muttered word

As he knelt(stood smiling) above me with a rock in his


On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow

And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief

And I kissed her goodbye, said, all beauty must


And lent down and planted a rose between her teeth


Nick Cave的歌声好象一把上了锈的匕首,在插入心脏的时候让你感觉加倍痛苦,电影版的《X档案》中,当那首《Red Right Hand》又一次响起的时候,那种从头顶一直凉到脚心底的毛骨悚然让人永生难忘,但当时间迈进20几几年的时候,Nick Cave也流露出他感性的一面,先是他在2001年推出的专辑《No More Shall We Part》让人觉得这个古怪的男人开始变的亲切了,之后他在今年又发行了一张新专辑《Nocturama》,给人的感觉同样就像现在的天气一般令人舒服。怎么说呢,这两张专辑的共性会让你体会到从前那位充满着歌特魅力、讲述一则则赤裸人性故事的歌者似乎经过岁月的洗礼后,变得更加的温婉,而且充满着像大地一般的辽阔与深沉。尤其是现在Nick Cave所追求的歌词表达,尽管他仍然保持着一向的宗教情怀,但在主题上却其实是想发现人性与自然之间的挣扎、疑惑和存在的价值。

Nick Cave And Bad Seed,一个来自澳大利亚的乐队,但却和澳大利亚的清新质朴扯不上边的古怪乐队。相反的,以Nick Cave为中心的Nick Cave And Bad Seed乐队在思想及音乐中却不断的表现出深沉的德国文化血统,这可以与乐队成员Blixa Bargeld有关,因为Blixa Bargeld正是80年代德国盛极一时的工业噪音乐队Einsturzende Neubauten中的灵魂人物,而Nick Cave And Bad Seed乐队其他的成员,比如Mick Harvey、Thomas Wydler等等都是欧洲地下前卫音乐圈的佼佼者,甚至也可以这样说:很少见到有一个乐队像Nick Cave And Bad Seed这样,有这么多才华洋溢的音乐天才聚集在一起。也正因为如此,才能造就出他们融合了各种音乐元素的神来之笔。

Nick Cave这个男人让80年代初期的后朋克音乐发展多了一份少见的知识分子味道,好象以前有本杂志形容他的歌声“唱衰了全世界”,指的就是他最初在The Birthday Party乐队时期的惨情风格,1983年,Nick Cave把The Birthday Party乐队改组成了现在的The Bad Seeds乐队,音乐风格也在歌特的基础上加入了民谣与布鲁斯的元素,20多年来,这个由貌似绅士的恶棍们组成的乐队虽然成员不断的变换,但因为有Nick Cave,使得他们杰出的摇滚精神一直保留了下来,1984年,专辑《From Her To Eternity》让全世界都知道了有个叫Nick Cave And Bad Seed这样的乐队,到了1993年《Live Seeds》发行的时候,Nick Cave And Bad Seed已经成为了个性风格最浓重的摇滚乐队。接下来,他们开始出人意料地在商业上不断获得成功,先是发行了销量可观的专辑《Murder Ballads》,接着乐队分别与Kylie Minogue、PJ Harvey合作的《Where The Wild Roses Grow》和《Henry Lee》也都相继成为冠军单曲,1997年的专辑《The Boatman's Call》被评论称为“最温柔且最深刻”的唱片。

2003年2月,Nick Cave And Bad Seed乐队发表了他们的第12张专辑《Nocturama》,这张专辑是乐队利用2002年初的澳洲巡回演唱的空档,用大约一个礼拜的时间完成从创作到录制的唱片,也重新找到了最初乐队成立时制作专辑的速度感,Nick Cave特有的创作速度既保留了头脑中灵感产生时的原始印象,也让乐队的其他成员有更自由的器乐发挥空间,Nick Cave说这张唱片受到了很多前辈的影响,比如诗人Thomas Hardy以及Bob Dylan、Van Morrison等等,但Nick Cave那种让人震慑的独特的思想情绪与嗓音,却总能为作品注入浓烈的戏剧性效果,让你深深陷入神秘的想象空间。在专辑制作上,Nick Cave找到了老搭档Nick Launay,从抒发岁月感触的《Wonderful Life》、描绘渴望的钢琴小品《He Wants You》、阴郁沙哑的叙事风格的摇滚作品《Dead Man In My Bed》到唤起失落感的恋曲《Still In Love》和怀旧情绪的《There Is A Town》,统统保持了Nick Cave And Bad Seed这支乐队精良的艺术水准,这张专辑中另外一个亮点是他们与澳大利亚的朋克乐队The Saints的主唱Chris Bailey合作的《Bring It On》。

整体上看,《Nocturama》是一张延续了《No More Shall We Part》思想的最新专辑。我们漫长的等待是值得的,因为在这一张专辑中处处可以听到的是Nick Cave意味深长的美丽歌词,而这些歌词更被Mick Harvey和Warren Ellis等人用高超的器乐手法所营造出来的氛围所衬托,结果使整张专辑只能用美不胜收来形容,在你听到唱片的第一个音符开始,优雅的吉他和钢琴声便把你带进了Nick Cave的内心世界,当他伤心的唱出第一首《Wonderful Life》时,真会让你觉得你正坐在爱人身旁,场景是如此的贴近你我,所以泛起的涟漪才会如此大吧!《Wonderful Life》这首歌,Nick Cave极少表现的高音唱腔听起来有时反而觉得倒像是一位歌手Bryan Ferry在唱歌,温文而雅却又让让声音富有感情。事实上,从现在Nick Cave And Bad Seed乐队成员的实力上看,可以说是这支乐队近十年最强大的组合,也因此让这张专辑许多首作品听起来虽然简单,却极富旋律感,与Nick Cave的嗓音相互胶合的非常默契。比如在《Babe,I’m On Fire》里那勾人心弦的独特音色让整首歌曲完全沉浸在一种非常诡异却又圣洁的氛围里,把这首歌放在唱片结尾的位置,使整张《Nocturama》无时不散发一种仿佛燃烧着七情六欲一般的气氛,慢慢地让你心中的恐惧、戒备与慌忙在他的歌声中得到安慰,或者说是一种救赎,在《Right Out Of Your Hand》中,我们听到了Nick Cave近乎呐喊着在乞求的同时,却也听到了那狂野不羁的吉他音色,恰巧对照出两者之间的对立与矛盾。也让整张专辑折射出即使在宗教气氛的包围中,人性最疯狂、最黑暗的欲望依然不断地在这个世界上永无止尽的蔓延,证明了这张专辑是Nick Cave在几十年的音乐里程中又一次漂亮的成绩。

一张专辑唱片如果要引人入胜,绝对不是几个人的片面之词可以做到的,因此不管你是对Nick Cave不了解或是期待已久的人,绝对不能错过这张平静内敛、温馨可爱的《Nocturama》,套用一句Nick Cave自己在今年东京富士摇滚音乐节上演出时送给年轻人的开场白:“献给所有的女朋友们,还有她们的男朋友们,上帝保佑你们!”

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