the river英文歌词

时间:2025-03-10 22:06:45 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员

Moon River

(By Henry Mancini)

Moon river, wider than a mile


I'm crossing you in style some day


Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker


Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way


Two drifters, off to see the world


There's such a lot of world to see


We're after the same rainbow's end, waitin''round the bend


My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me


(Moon river, wider than a mile)


(I'm crossin' you in style some day)


Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker


Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way


Two drifters, off to see the world


There's such a lot of world to see


We're after the same rainbow's end, waitin''round the bend


My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me



This song represents a very classic drama, that of people who leave home, which is typically a small place, to search for fame, fortune and happiness in bigger places, to never be able to return or ever feel at home anywhere. Holly herself is a tragic character, so beautiful and glamorous, surrounded by reach people and celebrities, drifting in and out of her life, always fascinated with her, never loving her. In the book she actually doesn't end up with the poor writer, they are just friends and she sends him a postcard from buenos aires one day, so basically she keeps drifting in these strange circles to never find home again.


Let the river run-----------------------------大流奔腾

let all the dreamers wake the nation----让所有志者唤醒大地

Come, the New Jerusalem.----------------来吧,新生的耶路撒冷

Silver cities rise------------------------------觉醒的圣城

the morning lights the streets that lead them晨曦芒耀了街市,通向光明

and sirens call them on with a song-----用歌声唤醒一切

It's asking for the taking--------------------疾呼着



Oh, my heart is aching---------------------奥,我的心痛地无以复加

We're coming to the edge-----------------我们已经无路可行

running on the water-----------------------涉水

coming through the fog--------------------穿雾

your sons and daughters------------------你的儿女们(颠倒,整理一下---你的儿女们跋山涉水)

We the great and small--------------------我们伟大而渺小的

stand on a star------------------------------站在这个星球上

and blaze a trail of desire-----------------开辟欲望之林

through the darkening dawn-------------不分晨昼

It's asking for the taking-------------------你叫嚣着:

Come run with me now--------------------和我一起奔跑

the sky is the color of blue----------------天空炫蓝

you've never even seen-------------------可你却从未曾见到

in the eyes of your lover-------------------在你爱人的眼里

Oh, my heart is aching---------------------奥,我的心在煎熬

We're coming to the edge-----------------我们无路可退

running on the water------------------------涉水

coming through the fog--------------------穿雾

your sons and daughters------------------你的子女们

It's asking for the taking--------------------你叫嚣到:

trembling, shaking---------------------------颤抖吧,战栗吧

Oh, my heart is aching---------------------我的心在煎熬

We're coming to the edge-----------------我们无路可行

running on the water------------------------涉水

coming through the fog--------------------穿雾

your sons and daughters------------------你的子女们

Let the river run-----------------------------大河咆哮

let all the dreamers-------------------------让所有有志者

wake the nation-----------------------------啸醒大地

Come, the New Jerusalem----------------来吧,到圣城耶路撒冷

上一篇:the river歌词翻译
下一篇:the road歌词


热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词