
时间:2025-03-10 13:20:14 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员

One look and I'm done


One glance from your eyes and I'm captivated


The taste of your skin


The warmth of your hungry lips has me so taken


And I love the way you can make me dance from miles away


When I'm with you I'm so sedated I'm captivated by you


You're just like the wind cause everything moves when you're around


The sun is just like the sound of your voice in the morning


when you light my world up


And I love the way you can make me dance from miles away


When I'm with you I'm never jaded I'm captivated


I'll never stop believing in this crazy love we're leading


Sugar hold me close and make me sweeter I need you, I love you


So please show me that smile make me laugh for just a little while


Then breathe me one breath I only need one to fill the emptiness


And I love the way you can make me dance from miles away


It's been so long but now I've waited and now I'm captivated


Nightmare!<噩梦啊!>(Now your nightmare comes to life)<你的噩梦即将来临...> Dragged you down below down to the devil’s show, To be his guest forever,<置你于恶魔的脚下,你将永远囚困于他.> Peace of mind is less than never<曾经宽容的思想也不复存在.> Hate to twist your mind, but God ain’t on your side<尽管你不想再继续没落,但此刻老天不会倾向于你.> An old acquaintance severed, Render of your last endeavor<经历了一次次痛苦的挣扎后,唯一的朋友也离你远去.> Ashes burning, you can smell it in the air,<空气中处处弥漫着遗骸的恶臭,你几近崩溃.> Cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal.<因为你这样的人最容易被洗脑.> So stand in line while banging numbers in your head,<那么就在原地乖乖等着死亡的到来吧.> You’re now a slave until the end of time<生也奴役,死亦奴役,一辈子的奴役.> And nothing stops the madness turning,<疯狂的行为已无法被控制.> haunting, yearning, pull the trigger!<杀啊,冲啊,扣动扳机!> You should have known The price of evil,<你早该了解:恶魔的本意..> And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah<但悲哀的是你的确属于这个时代..> Ooooh, it’s your fuсkin’ nightmare While your nightmare comes to life<这他妈就是你的梦鹫,噩梦已经降临了...> Can’t wake up in sweat, cause it ain’t over yet,<别想就这样苏醒过来,因为一切不会轻易了结.> Still dancing with your demons,<噩梦中,你依旧和镰刀死神跳着Waltz.> Victim of your own creation beyond the will to fight,<违背你的意愿,它抹杀着你那无辜的神经.> Where all that’s wrong is right<它告诉你:"错的就是对的.> where hate don’t need a reason Love is self-assassination<仇恨从不需要理由,而爱需要用恨来代替."> You’ve been lied to just to rape you of your sight,<你告诉自己看到的都是假象,> And now they have the nerve to tell you how to feel.<因为他们告诉你:你应该有什么感受,有什么思想.> So sedated as they medicate your brain<当他们用药物"治疗"你时你睡的如此安详> And while ya slowly go insane they tell you<在你精神慢慢崩溃后,他们教导你道:> Give in with your best intentions Help ya with your complications<"放弃最简单的方法,找到最复杂的过程." You should have known The price of evil,<你早该了解:恶魔的本意..> And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah<但悲哀的是你的确属于这个时代..> No one to call, everybody to fear<无处可躲,每个人都是你的敌人.> Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah.<你那悲惨的命运是早已注定了的.> Ooooo it’s your fuсkin’ nightmare ha ha ha ha!!<这他妈就是你的噩梦!>(ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha) Fight, fight, not to fail, fail Not to fall, fall Or you’ll end up like the others.<战斗吧!只准成功,否则你就会像其他人一样完蛋.> Die, die, die again, die Drenched in sin, sin With no respect for another Oh!<死!带着罪恶死去,没有人会看的起你.!> Down!<跪下!> Feel the fire, fire<感受这地狱之火的中烧!> Feel the hate, hate Your pain is what we desire.<感受这世上所有的仇恨,你痛苦,我开心!> Lost, lost, hit the wall, wall<失落了吧!碰钉了吧!> Watch you crawl, crawl Such a replaceable liar.<看你慢慢地死去,XXXXXXXXXXXXXX这个短语看不懂..> And I know you hear their voices(calling from above),<我知道你听见了他们的呼唤(来自人间的呼唤)> And I know they may seem real(these signals of love),<我也知道他们真实的过于可怕(那些爱的痕迹)> But a life’s made up of choices(some without appeal),<但生活中充满了选择,有些选择甚至毫无意义..> They took for granted your soul<人们都认为活着是理所应当的..> And it’s ours now to steal<所以现在我们得给他们点颜色看看!> As your nightmare comes to life<所以你的噩梦已经到来..> You should have known The price of evil,<你早该了解:恶魔的本意..> And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah<但悲哀的是你的确属于这个时代..> No one to call, everybody to fear<无处可躲,每个人都是你的敌人.> Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah.<你那悲惨的命运是早已注定了的.> Ooooo it’s your fuсkin’ nightmare ha ha ha ha!!<这他妈就是你的噩梦!> nEvErEaTswOrlD翻译

下一篇:see are you 歌词


热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词