
时间:2025-03-05 10:33:12 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员


2,Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats [ Top ]










When you fall on your head, do you land on your feet?当你头朝下落下时,你能用脚着地吗?

Are you tense when you sense there's a storm in the air?当你感到风暴来临时,你会很紧张吗?

Can you find your way blind when you're lost in the street?当你迷路时,你能本能的找到正确的方向吗?

Do you know how to go to the heaviside layer?你知道如何升向九重天吗?

Because jellicles can and jellicles do因为杰利克能杰利克做

Jellicles do and jellicles can杰利克做杰利克能

Jellicles can and jellicles do杰利克能杰利克做

Jellicles do and jellicles can杰利克做杰利克能

Jellicles can and jellicles do杰利克能杰利克做

Can you ride on a broomstick to places far distant?你能骑着扫把去很远的地方吗?

Familiar with candle, with book, and with bell?你喜爱玩耍蜡烛,书籍或是铃铛吗?

Were you Whittington's friend? The Pied Piper's assistant?你是惠廷顿的朋友?或是吹笛手的助理吗?

Have you been an alumnus of heaven and hell?你能自由的通往天堂和地狱吗?

Are you mean like a minx? Are you lean like a lynx?你是一个爱出风头的姑娘吗?你瘦的像一只山猫吗?

Are you keen to be seen when you're smelling a rat?当你闻到一只老鼠你会努力的寻找吗?

Were you there when the pharaoh commissioned the Sphinx?当法老委派做狮身人面像时你在场吗?

If you were, and you are, you're a jellicle cat如果你在并且你是,你是一只杰利克猫.

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

We can dive through the air like a flying trapeze我门可以像空中飞人一般在空中穿梭.

We can turn double somersaults, bounce on a tire我们可以在轮胎上弹起做双滚翻

We can run up a wall, we can swing through the trees我们可以在墙上行走,我们能穿越丛林.

We can balance on bars, we can walk on a wire我们可以在栅栏上保持平衡,我们能在铁丝上行走

Jellicles can and jellicles do杰利克能杰利克做

Jellicles can and jellicles do杰利克能杰利克做

Jellicles can and jellicles do杰利克能杰利克做

Jellicles can and jellicles do杰利克能杰利克做

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Can you sing at the same time in more than one key?你能同时用不止一个基调演唱吗?

Duets by Rossini and waltzes by Strauss?和罗西尼做二重唱,和史特劳斯跳华尔兹?

And can you(as cats do) begin with a'C'?你能(像猫那样)以C调起唱吗?

That always triumphantly brings down the house?总是得意的从房上下望?

Jellicle cats are queen of the nights杰利克猫们是夜间女王

Singing at astronomical heights歌唱高以天际

Handling pieces from the'Messiah'从弥塞亚那里接受工作

Hallelujah, angelical Choir哈里露亚,天使合音

The mystical divinity of unashamed felinity神性神秘的不知羞怯的猫性

Round the cathedral rang'Vivat'在大教堂的四周高喊”万岁”

Life to the everlasting cat!永垂不朽的猫族生命!

Feline, fearless, faithful and true猫性的,无畏的,忠实的

To others who do-what肯定它族所做的--什么

Jellicles do and jellicles can杰利克做杰利克能

Jellicles can and jellicles do杰利克能杰利克做

Jellicle cats sing jellicle chants杰利克咏杰利克调

Jellicles old and jellicles new杰利克年老的杰利克年少的

Jellicle song and jellicle dance杰利克唱杰利克跳

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Practical cats, dramatical cats务实的猫,戏剧的猫

Pragmatical cats, fanatical cats固执的猫,狂热的猫

Oratorical cats, Delphicoracle cats雄辩的猫,神渝的猫

Skeptical cats, Dispeptical cats多疑的猫,忧郁的猫

Romantical cats, Pedantical cats浪漫的猫,迂腐的猫

Critical cats, parasitical cats吹毛求疵的猫,依人为生的猫

Allegorical cats, metaphorical cats寓言的猫,隐喻的猫

Statistical cats and mystical cats算计的猫和神秘的猫

Political cats, hypocritical cats政治的猫,伪善的猫

Clerical cats, hysterical cats神职的猫,荒唐的猫

Cynical cats, rabbinical cats偾世的猫,教条的猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Jellicle songs for jellicle cats杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

But the cats are not alone. Humans(the audience) are present

in the cats' private world. The cats are at first reluctant and

suspicious to include others in their domain.


There's a man over there with a look of surprise这有个人很惊奇的看着这里

As much as to say well now how about that?好象在说那怎么样呢?

Do I actually see with my own very eyes我确实清楚的看到

A man who's not heard of a jellicle cat?一个没有听说过杰利克猫的人.


What's a jellicle cat?杰利克猫是什么?


What's a jellicle cat?杰利克猫是什么?


There's a man over there with a look of surprise.有个人惊奇的看着这

As much as to say“Well, now how about that?”好象在说"哦,那又怎么样呢?"

Do I actually see with my own very eyes我确实看到了

a man who's not heard of a Jellicle Cat?一个没听说过杰利克猫的人

What's a Jellicle Cat? What's a Jellicle Cat? What’s a Jellicle Cat?什么是杰利克猫?

The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter猫的命名是一件难事

It isn't just one of your holiday games它不像你的假日游戏

You may think at first I'm mad as a hatter你可能认为我疯了

When I tell you a cat must have three different names当我告知你一只猫须有3个不同的名字

First of all, there's the name that the family use daily首先,是在家里用的名字

Such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo or James像是皮特,奥古斯都,阿隆左或詹母斯

Such as Victor or Jonathan, George or Bill Bailey像是威克特或乔纳森,乔治或比尔

All of them sensible everyday names所有这些都是适合日常使用的名字

There are fancier names, if you think they sound sweeter这有一些优雅的名字,如果你想听起来好听些

Some for the gentlemen, some for the dames一些为了绅士,一些为了淑女

Such as Plato, Admetus, Electra, Demeter像是柏拉图,安德米特斯,伊蕾克特拉,秋美特

But all of them sensible everyday names但是所有这些都是适合日常使用的名字

But I tell you a cat needs a name that's particular但我告送你一只猫需要一个特殊的名字

A name that's peculiar and more dignified一个独特的高贵的名字

Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular不然他们为什么一直使尾巴保持竖直

Or spread out his whiskers or cherish his pride?或者展开他们的胡须或珍爱着他的骄傲?

Of names of this kind I can give you a quorum这些名字我可以固定的给出

Such as Munkustrap, Quaxo, or Coricopat像是Munkustrap,Quaxo,或Coricopat

Such as Bombalurina or else Jellylorum像是Bombalurina或者Jellylorum

Names that never belong to more than one cat这些名字对每只猫来说都是唯一的不会重复

But above and beyond there's still one name left over但是在那之上的仍有一个名字留了下来

And that is the name that you never will guess这是你永远猜不到的名字

The name that no human research can discover这是人类研究也无法发现的名字

But the cat himself knows and will never confess但是猫自己知道并且从不透露

When you notice a cat in profound meditation当你看到一只猫在冥想的时候

The reason, I tell you, is always the same原因,我告送你,总是相同的

His mind is engaged in a rapt contemplation它的思想总在沉思中

Of the thought, of the thought, of the thought of his name冥想着,冥想着,冥想着他的名字

His ineffable, effable, effanineffable他的难以形容的..形容的,难以形容的..

Deep and inscrutable singular name深奥的,不可解的,非凡的名字

Name… name… name… name…名字...名字...名字...

3,The Invitation to the Jellicle Ball [TOP]

Jellicle cats come out tonight杰利克猫今晚出现

Jellicle cats come one, come all杰利克猫欢聚一堂

The jellicle moon is shining bright杰利克月明亮闪耀

Jellicles come to the jellicle ball杰利克族来到杰利克舞会

Jellicle cats come out tonight杰利克猫今晚出现

Jellicles come to the jellicle ball杰利克族来到杰利克舞会

Jellicle cats come out tonight杰利克猫今晚出现

Jellicle cats come one, come all杰利克猫欢聚一堂

The jellicle moon is shining bright杰利克月明亮闪耀

Jellicles come to the jellicle ball杰利克族来到杰利克舞会

Jellicle cats come out tonight杰利克猫今晚出现

Jellicle cats come one, come all杰利克猫欢聚一堂

The jellicle moon is shining bright杰利克月明亮闪耀

Jellicles come to the jellicle ball杰利克族来到杰利克舞会


Jellicle cats meet once a year杰利克猫每年聚会一次

At the jellicle ball where we all rejoice所有的杰利克猫都在这里欢庆

And the jellicle leader will soon appear杰利克的领袖马上会出现

And make what is known as the jellicle choice并作出我们知晓的杰利克之选

That's when Old Deuteronomy just before dawn老戒律伯在破晓之前到来

Through a silence you feel you could cut with a knife感觉可用小刀划破寂静

Announces the cat who can now be reborn宣告猫儿如今能重生

And come back to different jellicle life重回到不同的杰利克生活

Because waiting up there is the heaviside layer因为等待的云霄就在上面

With wonders one jellicle only will see充满神奇只有一只杰利克猫将会目睹

Jellicles ask because jellicles dare杰利克猫问因为杰利克猫敢

Who will it be?会是谁呢?

From this point onward, each of the cats tells his own story在后面的场次里,每一只猫用歌舞展现

in song and dance, hoping to be chosen as the special cat to自己,希望被选种回到不同的杰利克生

come back to a different Jellicle life.活

4,The Old Gumbie Cat [TOP]

I have a gumbie cat in mind, her name is Jennyanydots我心中有只甘比猫,她名字叫珍妮安点点

Her coat is of the tabby kind with tiger stripes and leopard spots它身着斑纹有着虎的斑纹和豹的斑点

All day she sits beneath the stairs or on the steps or on the mat整天她坐在楼梯下或待在垫子上

She sits and sits and sits and that's what makes a gumbie cat她就这样一直坐着,那就是一只甘比猫

That's what makes a gumbie cat那就是一只甘比猫




























For she's a jolly good fellow!她是一个老好人!


Thank you my dears...谢谢我的朋友..

Amazing Kiss







Amazing kiss星光灿烂缱绻的青色火焰


Precious in my love tu ru tu year I remeber

Amazing kiss this is only shooting star消逝无踪

I'm in love wow wow欢欣与爱情皆溶入了宇宙

Precious in my love tu ru tu year





Amazing kiss镶着的玻璃颗粒相互回响


Precious in my lo tu ru tu year I remeber

Amazing kiss this is only shooting star消逝无踪

I'm in love wow wow欢欣与爱情皆溶入了宇宙

Precious in my lo tu ru tu year



将身体倚在冰冷的墙上永远灼热的 my love

I don't forget you wow无止无尽

Just the way you are

Precious in my love year ya just the way you are

Precious in my love year ya just the way you are

Amazing kiss星光灿烂缱绻的青色火焰


Precious in my love tu ru tu year I remeber

Amazing kiss this is only shooting star消逝无踪

I'm in love wow wow欢欣与爱情皆溶入了宇宙

Precious in my love tu ru tu year

Amazing kiss镶着的玻璃颗粒相互回响


Precious in my lo tu ru tu year

Tell me what you're dreaming bout tonight

I never want to let you go

The lips that kissed my lashes and your sleepy smile

Sinking into the darkest night

A breezeless flow in the afterglow

You and me together we could go that extra mile

Sweet nothings and time

Only you and the rhyme

Dizzy vertigo

Round and round as we go

Amazing Kiss

Shining stars and I'll miss

The flame that used to be ours, ours alone

Cuz we made it happen...our miracle

True and blue to our oracle

Precious in my love...tu ru tu yeah

I remember...

Amazing Kiss

This is only shooting star

The love that used to be ours,

I'm in love wow woh

Joy, Affection... our universe

Supernatural whirls

Precious in my love... tu ru tu yeah

Looking for words our brainwaves

Found a way to communicate

Secret sounds that you and I monopolize

The moon reflected on the waves

Moving in time reverberates

Drifting ashore to you deep into your eyes

As I lay awake

Another night of heartbreak

Longing for you

Hits me out of the blue

Amazing Kiss

Sprinkled pieces of bliss

Promises that we'll be forevermore

In the Milky Way I guess it's no more

Don't you remember our vow, oh

Precious in my love... tu ru tu yeah

I remember...

Amazing Kiss

This is only shooting star

The love that used to be ours,

I'm in love wow woh

Joy, Affection... our universe

Supernatural whirls

Precious in my love... tu ru tu yeah

Tough enough to weather the hands of time

Cuz our dream beams gonna shine on

You and I will come this way again

True blue to our destiny

Leaning up against this wall of ice

上一篇:or 中文歌词
下一篇:orange 7 歌词


热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词