
时间:2025-03-06 20:57:27 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员




cong si yan mo段(这个实在难以标出拼音)mei lei gou sei zv yan

sei yan nei gou nian gong cen meng di lv yan

zai去(这个也太难了)zuo mu lou ze qin lui di yi yan

ga zuang zai you cong qin yan guo di hei fen


zei ye nuo you zai dou dui ye ban mou yin dei hong hei

穿(⊙﹏⊙b汗)hei nei dei mao yi cong yan mou tian di hao hei

ye lai bian lai ban nuo zuo

mo yin dan yin mo hui nuo

gang gei fo gan tie nei

gang sen hui gao yu nei

zun hui nuo zei ye zuo gou gao zei

zun nuo fai le di


亨利·伍德爵士《不列颠海洋之歌幻想曲》 Sir Henry Wood- Fantasia on British Sea Songs这是Proms创始人伍德爵士为这一音乐节作出的专门贡献,每年的Last Night该曲代表了全场最沸腾的时刻。该曲生动地表现了英国悠久的海洋传统和英国人历来对海洋的情感。这其实是一部管弦乐版的民歌大联奏,前面再加上一组海军军号。伍德爵士原版的演奏顺序如下:

1. Naval Bugle Calls(海军军号)

2. The Anchor's Weighed(《起锚》)

3. The Saucy Arethusa(《漂亮的林仙号》)

4. Tom Bowling(《汤姆·保林》)

5. Jack's The Lad(Hornpipe)(《杰克就是那小伙子》)

6. Farewell and Adieu(《再会》)

7. Ye Spanish Ladies(《西班牙女郎》)

8. Home, Sweet Home(《家,甜蜜的家》)

9. See, the Conqu'ring Hero Comes(《英雄们凯旋》)

10. Rule, Britannia!(《大不列颠颂》)

现在第二段The Anchor's Weighed已经很少再演奏。而第6、第7段从2004年开始被三首带合唱的民歌替代,2005年起固定为由Bob Chilcott编曲的三首分别代表威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰的民歌:《通宵守候》(All Though the Night,威尔士语Ar Hyd y Nos)、《斯开岛船歌》(Skye Boat Song)和《丹尼男孩》(Danny Boy),并且分别在三个分会场:斯旺西的Heaton Park、格拉斯哥的Glasgow Green和贝尔法斯特的Donegal Square演奏并通过卫星实时传播在各个会场串联起来。这首幻想曲是一部需要观众参与互动的节日性作品,每一段曲子都有自己的传统。Naval Bugle Calls这组军号是真的在英国海军舰艇上使用的军号,而不是作曲家自己写的。一共有六段,每段奏两遍,以达到一呼一应的效果,每段分别如下:

a) Admiral’s Salute(向海军上将致敬)

b) Action(行动)

c) General Assembly(普通集结)

d) Landing Party(先头登船部队)

e) Prepare to Ram(准备撞击)

f) Quick Double, Extend and Close(迅速加速、伸展和接近)

很长一段时间这组军号被取消,直到2005年全盘恢复,并且分散由各个分会场演奏,并由卫星传播在各会场的大屏幕上连接起来。2005年恢复这段军号还有特殊的意义,因为该年英国举行了盛大的海洋节(Sea Britain 2005),其中的庆典包括纪念特拉法尔加海战200周年的斯彼特海德(Spithead)女王阅舰式,我有幸亲临这次场面恢宏的活动。The Saucy Arethusa Arethusa是一艘英国舰艇的名字,HMS Arethusa“林仙”号,歌曲中指的这艘应为第一艘以此命名的英国舰艇,1759年从法国人手里俘获,为一艘5等快速帆舰(frigate)。此后以Arethusa命名的英国舰艇多达8艘(据J.J.Colledge的Ships of the Royal Navy,美国海军学院出版社1987年版),其中包括20世纪初英国的第一艘真正的轻巡洋舰以及二战中屡建功勋的一级4艘轻巡洋舰的首舰,该级的另一艘HMS Aurora二战后赠给中国,即中国海军史上具有传奇意义的“重庆”号巡洋舰。

The Saucy Arethusa是一首流传于19世纪的水兵歌曲,词曲作者没有定论,一般归作traditional。歌词如下:

Come all ye jolly sailors bold

Whose hearts are cast in honour's mould

While English glory I unfold

Hurrah for the Arethusa She is a frigate tight and brave

As ever stemmed the dashing wave

Her men are staunch to their favorite launch

And when the foe shall meet our fire

Sooner than strike we'll all expire

On board of the Arethusa'Twas with the spring fleet she went out

The English Channel to cruise about

When four French sail in show so stout

Bore down on the Arethusa

伍德爵士的改编别具特色,因为主旋律由大号来演奏,这在音乐史上很罕见。Tom Bowling这是一首18世纪末由Charles Dibdin所作的歌曲,为了悼念其死去的在东印度航线上担任船长的兄长。歌词如下:

Here a sheer hulk lies poor Tom Bowling,

The darling of our crew;

No more he'll hear the tempest howling,

For death has broach'd him to:

His form was of the manliest beauty,

His heart was kind and soft.

Faithful, below, he did his duty,

And now he's gone aloft,

And now he's gone aloft.Tom never from his word departed,

His virtues were so rare,

His friends were many, and true-hearted,

His Poll was kind and fair:

And then he'd sing so blithe and jolly-

Ah! many's the Time and oft-

But mirth is turn'd to melancholy,

For Tom is gone aloft,

For Tom is gone aloft.Yet shall poor Tom find pleasant weather,

When He, who all commands,

Shall give, to call life's crew together,

The word to pipe all hands:

Thus death, who Kings and tars dispatches,

In vain Tom's life has doff'd,

For though his body's under hatches,

His soul has gone aloft,

His soul has gone aloft.

伍德爵士的改编尤其优美,歌曲的旋律在独奏大提琴上静静地流淌,怀念的情愫油然而生。每年演奏到这个地方,第一排观众会传送一条扎满手绢的绳索,以拭去泪水——不论真哭假哭。但那些上了年纪的观众也许真的会忆起他们年轻时观看Last Night的经历——他们的good old days而留下沧桑的泪水。Jack's The Lad这首曲子又称Sailor's Horpipe,是一首角笛舞曲,应该没有词,也是全世界观众最耳熟能详的一段。乐曲演奏到这里应该达到一个小高潮,乐曲一开始速度较缓慢,之后越来越快,站着的听众会跟着节奏踏地板,而所有观众都会不约而同拍手打节拍,而最有趣的就是那些hooters(按喇叭的人),他们会带着一个老式的汽车喇叭(汽笛)在每个乐句结束时的两个四分音符的地方跟着按两下喇叭,有时候特别整齐,而演奏员们有时也会对这支熟悉的旋律恶搞一下,引得全场大笑。

每年这段曲子演完后,指挥会回过头评价(讥讽)一下观众们参与的水平。今年Last Night的指挥Mark Elder显然被观众们搞得有点头晕,回过头来无奈道:You watched the beat? It's funny, isn't it, with those lovely little interludes you do? I've always thought that if you look at those yellow pages you must find somebody who could repair them for you。后来在他的演讲里下面只要一按喇叭,他就怒斥:Yellow pages!真是让人忍俊不禁。

一般会再演奏一遍这段曲子才接下去演奏后面的段落。All Through the Night这是一首威尔士摇篮曲,曲调为民间流传,词作者为John Ceiriog Hughes。2005年开始增加到Fantasia on British Sea Songs中。威尔士语歌词如下:

Holl amrantau'r sêr ddywedant

Ar hyd y nos.

Dyma'r ffordd i fro gogoniant

Ar hyd y nos.

Golau arall yw tywyllwch,

I arddangos gwir brydferthwch,

Teulu'r nefoedd mewn tawelwch

Ar hyd y nos.O mor siriol gwêna seren

Ar hyd y nos.

I oleuo'I chwaer ddaeraren

Ar hyd y nos.

Nos yw henaint pan ddaw cystudd,

Ond i harddu dyn a'i hwyrddydd,

Rho'wn ein golau gwan i'n gilydd,

Ar hyd y nos.


Sleep my love, and peace attend thee

All through the night;

Guardian angels God will lend thee,

All through the night,

Soft the drowsy hours are creeping,

Hill and vale in slumber steeping,

I my loving vigil keeping,

All through the night.Angels watching ever round thee,

All through the night,

In thy slumbers close surround thee,

All through the night,

They should of all fears disarm thee,

No forebodings should alarm thee,

They will let no peril harm thee,

All through the night.

Skye Boat Song这是苏格兰最著名的民歌之一,讲述了企图复辟斯图亚特王朝的詹姆士二世党人查理王子(Charles Edward Stuart,昵称Bonnie Prince Charlie)在1746年的卡洛登战役中被坎伯兰公爵的部队击败后逃往斯开岛(Skye)的故事。此后,大部分由苏格兰高地贵族组成的詹姆士二世党人再也没有力量复辟,而英格兰的汉诺威王朝对苏格兰的统治则是残酷的,封建氏族制度被废除,甚至有法令禁止苏格兰人穿高地服装。在苏格兰人心目中,查理王子虽然失败了但依然是英雄,所以有了这首动听的歌曲。

词作者是Sir Harold Boulton,曲调则由Miss Annie MacLeod在19世纪70年代收集整理,据说是她在前往斯开岛的途中听一位船夫唱的,故名。

此歌2005年开始增加到Fantasia on British Sea Songs中,混声合唱团演唱。其歌词如下:


Speed bonnie boat like a bird on the wing,

Onward, the sailors cry.

Carry the lad that's born to be king

Over the sea to Skye.]Loud the winds howl, loud the waves roar,

Thunderclaps rend the air,

Baffled, our foes stand by the shore,

Follow they will not dare.[Chorus]

Many's the lad fought on that day,

Well the claymor could wield,

When the night came, silently lay

Dead in Culloden's field.

[Chorus]Though the waves leap, soft shall ye sleep,

Ocean's a royal bed.

Rock'd in the deep Flora will keep

Watch o'er your weary head.[Chorus]Burned are our homes, exile and death,

Scattered the loyal man.

Yet ere the sword cool in the sheath,

Charlie will come again.[Chorus]

Danny Boy这首北爱尔兰民歌更为我们所熟悉的名字是《伦敦德里小调》(Londonderry Air),曾被海菲兹改编成一首小提琴安可曲。当然,配这首民间曲调的歌词还有好多个版本。Danny Boy这篇歌词由Frederick Weatherly作于1910年,是一首忧伤的情歌,从那时至今不论在流行乐坛还是古典乐坛均有无数翻唱版本。此歌2005年开始增加到Fantasia on British Sea Songs中,混声合唱团演唱。这篇歌词如下:

Oh Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling

From glen to glen, and down the mountain side

The summer's gone, and all the roses falling

'Tis you,'tis you must go and I must bide

But come ye back when summer's in the meadow

Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow

'Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow

Danny Boy, oh Danny Boy, I love you so And when ye come, and all the flowers are dying

And I am dead, as dead I well may be

Ye'll come and find the place where I am lying

And kneel and say an Ave there for me

And I shall hear, though soft you tread above me

And all my grave shall warmer, sweeter be

For you shall bend and tell me that you love me

And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me

Home, Sweet Home这首优美的歌曲时常被归为美国民歌,但实际上只有歌词的开头两句是取自美国剧作家John Howard Payne在1823年创作的戏剧Clari, Maid of Milan,其余歌词和曲调均为英国人Sir Henry Bishop于1852年所作。该曲在日本也很有名,还出现在Ghibli Studio的动画片《萤火虫之墓》中。歌词如下:

'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam,

Be it ever so humble there's no place like home!

A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there,

Which seek through the world, is ne'er met with elsewhere:Home! Home! sweet, sweet, Home!

There's no place like Home!

There's no place like Home!An exile from Home, splendour dazzles in vain,

Oh! give me my lowly thatch'd cottage again!

The birds singing gaily that came at my call,

Give me them with the peace of mind, dearer than all:Home! Home! sweet, sweet Home!

There's no place like Home!

There's no place like Home!

伍德爵士对该曲的改编效果很感人,在竖琴的伴奏下宁静而甜蜜,每年演奏到该曲,全场观众都会跟着哼唱。See, the conqu'ring hero comes!《英雄们凯旋》,这是出现在中国高中音乐教科书中的著名曲调,选自亨德尔的清唱剧《犹大·麦卡白》(Judas Maccabaeus)。有趣的是,这部清唱剧同样是和卡洛登战役有关联,不过却是站在英格兰人的角度,为庆祝坎伯兰公爵威廉王子(Prince William Augustus)的胜利而作,1747年在伦敦科文特花园首演。后来在19世纪的英国,每开辟一条铁路和一个火车站,都会请铜管乐队奏响此曲以资庆贺。这段合唱的脚本如下:

See, the conqu'ring hero comes!

Sound the trumpets, beat the drums.

Sports prepare, the laurel bring,

Songs of triumph to him sing. See the godlike youth advance!

Breathe the flutes, and lead the dance;

Myrtle wreaths, and roses twine,

To deck the hero's brow divine. See, the conqu'ring hero comes!

Sound the trumpets, beat the drums.

Sports prepare, the laurel bring,

Songs of triumph to him sing.

See, the conqu'ring hero comes!

Sound the trumpets, beat the drums.

伍德爵士借此曲引向最后的欢腾,主题一共奏两遍,第一遍在木管上轻柔地出现,观众们会兴致勃勃地跟着吹口哨。然后是铜管上辉煌的再现,并过渡到了最后一曲Rule, Britannia!Rule, Britannia!这是英国的国歌之一。英国的法律并未规定唯一的国歌,但在大多数场合下使用的是《神佑吾王》(God Save the King/Queen)。Rule, Britannia!出自巴洛克时代的英国作曲家托马斯·阿恩(Thomas Arne)的歌剧Alfred,1745年在伦敦首演,为剧终的独唱加合唱。词作者James Thomson其实却是个苏格兰人,但是他显然想寻求整个不列颠岛的一种统一的形象。

第一次世界大战中完工的英国战列舰“巴勒姆”号(HMS Barham),所悬挂的信号旗拼出来就是Rule Britannia。(自E.H.H. Archibald著The Fighting Ship in the Royal Navy 897-1984,Blandford Press. 1987)

这首歌曲日后成为英帝国对外扩张形象的象征,从19世纪到20世纪初,通过殖民扩张而迅速发展的英国皇家海军成为世界头号海军,也正是印证了其中Britannia rule the waves一句。英国海军舰艇时常在出港作战时会悬挂拼写作Rule Britannia的信号旗。二战后,英帝国瓦解,皇家海军迅速衰落,但直到今日,这首歌依然作为维系不列颠岛各个角落的重要纽带而受景仰。


伍德爵士的管弦乐改编版很简短,因此在Last Night曾经一度修改作直接演唱Arne的原版。2005年起由Bob Chilcott在伍德的管弦乐版的基础上重新编曲成新的合唱版,只唱第一段歌词:

When Britain first at Heav'n's command

Arose from out the azure main;

Arose, arose from out the azure main;

This was the charter, the charter of the land,

And guardian angels sang this strain: Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!

Britons never, never, never shall be slaves!

Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!

Britons never, never, never shall be slaves!

并且在一遍演唱结束后再加演一遍。这是整个Last Night最欢腾的时刻,全场观众包括四个分会场的观众都会跟着热血沸腾地高歌,并挥舞手中的代表自己民族的旗帜,外国观众也会同时扬起本国国旗以示敬意。

下一篇:nice body 孝敏歌词


热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词