mondo bongo歌词

时间:2025-03-11 01:05:12 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员

Mondo Bongo(巨大的紫羚羊花——引申为野性难驯或者狂放不羁,也是女主角的代名词,这就比较浪漫了)

something that(有情况)

I was patrolling a Pachinko(我正在敲击着柏青哥—日本一种赌博游戏)

Nude noodle model parlor in the Nefarious zone(像傻瓜一样赤裸裸的暴露在这危险的区域)

Hanging out with insects under ducting(被卑鄙的人出卖(算计)—下水道里的虫子引申为卑鄙的人)

The C.I.A was on the phone( C.I.A窃听着电话)

Well, such is life(哎,这就是生活)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

The flower looks good in your hair(你头上的花儿看起来好美,引申为带着花的你明艳动人)。

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

Nobody said it was fair, oh(却没人注意过它,噢。注:女主角是一个优秀的杀手,大家只知道它冷血的一面,却不知道她有美丽动人的一面。“却没人注意过它”实际引申的是一种美,脱离了杀手生活加勒比女人的美)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

The flower looks good in your hair(你头上的花儿看起来好美)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

Nobody said it was fair(却没人注意过它)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

The flower looks good in your hair(你头上的花儿看起来好美)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

Nobody said it was fair(却没人注意过它)

For the Zapatistas I'll rob my sisters)Of all the curtain and lace(为了萨帕塔主义理想,我能够抢夺我的姐妹仅有的窗帘和蕾斯花边引申为六亲不认)——Zapatistas墨西哥南部的恰帕斯州,一些反政府武装者的名称。

Down at the bauxite mine(深入矿坑,引申为探寻真相)注:影片一直描写主教们探寻真相的过程

You get your own uniform(穿上你自己的制服,引申为你将获得新生)

Have lunchtimes off(午饭时间时间已经过去,引申为没有时间了或者迫在眉睫,就差一步等意思)

Take a monorail to your home(建造一条单轨铁路回家,引申为杀出一条血路)

Checkmate, baby(拼了,宝贝儿)

God bless us and our home(愿上帝保佑我们和家园)

Where ever we roam(不管我们流落到何方)

Now take us home, flaquito(让我们回家吧,基多)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

The flower looks good in your hair(你头上的花儿看起来好美)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

Nobody said it was fair(却没人注意过它)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

The flower looks good in your hair(你头上的花儿看起来好美)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

Nobody said it was fair(却没人注意过它)

There is something there!有某事那里!

I was patrolling a Pachinko我巡逻一Pachinko

Nude noodle model parlor in the Nefarious zone


Hanging out with insects under ducting


The C.I.A was on the phoneC。I.A是通电话

Well, such is life很好,这样是生活

Latino caribo, mondo bongoLatino caribo, mondo小鼓

The flower looks good in your hair花看起来好在您的头发里

Latino caribo, mondo bongo

Latino caribo, mondo小鼓

Nobody said it was fair, oh没人说它是公平的, oh

Latino caribo, mondo bongoLatino caribo, mondo小鼓

The flower looks good in your hair花看起来好在您的头发里

Latino caribo, mondo bongo

Latino caribo, mondo小鼓

The flower looks good in your hair花看起来好在您的头发里

Latino caribo, mondo小鼓

Nobody said it was fair


For the Zapatistas I'll rob my sisters


Of all the curtain and lace


Down at the bauxite mine


You get your own uniform


Have lunchtimes off


Take a monorail to your home


Checkmate, baby


God bless us and our home


Where ever we roam


Now take us home, flaquito

现在需要我们家, flaquito

The flower looks good in your hair


Latino caribo, mondo bongo

Latino caribo, mondo小鼓

The flower looks good in your hair


Latino caribo, mondo bongo

Latino caribo, mondo小鼓

Nobody said it was fair


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