
时间:2025-03-05 10:03:13 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员

Girl, That magic girl

闹n闹木诺拉我图秒n韩 flower卡疼



苏门擦马波能那(Baby She's alright)

奥里r求波n TV诶 sexy grill

克要陪 Magician



奥乐你顿胡诶 nun搜ki米r不你拉能高r


She's so hot She's on fire

不n秒n hi闹n TRICKS Up内搜买跟奥定噶

She's so cool Beautiful



Two of us(Two of us)

大西大西内给八叫 Two of us

She's so hot She's on fire

黄后蓝一 Magic Magic

Magic Girl(Let's Go)

She's so mysterious I'm delirious

circus王大冷 piu苏奥b能 Mobius



This girl is magic

and I'm, I'm so ecstatic


到能大噶挖 She's all that

莫加搜尅 Rabbit


卡得 sei讲囧诶奥呢高森够啦牙哈r几


She's so hot She's on fire

不n秒n hi闹n TRICKS Up内搜买跟奥定噶

She's so cool Beautiful



Two of us(Two of us)

大西大西内给八叫 Two of us

She's so hot She's on fire

黄后蓝一 Magic Magic

Magic Girl(Let's Go)

Magic tricks王叫ki很不乃



闹r男卡度够 Slow mo

家奥扫八叫那噶 bwa

那冷八叫那噶 bwa Tonight

巧带嘘b进阿冷高r All around the world

I'm addicted to you magic, magic girl

She's so hot She's on fire

擦恰bwa乃Tricks up一卡色搜奥定噶

She's so cool Beautiful




She's so hot She's on fire

闹挖那诶 Magic Magic Magic Girl

She's so hot

Sexy girl难闹诶 Magician



So hot So hot大为巧带

She's so cool girl


The show is magic

and it so amazing

英 [ˈmædʒik]美 [ˈmædʒɪk]


1. N-UNCOUNT不可数名词魔法;巫术;法术 Magic is the power to use supernatural forces to make impossible things happen, such as making people disappear or controlling events in nature.

They believe in magic...他们相信巫术。

...the use of magic to combat any adverse powers or influences...利用法术与强敌或敌对势力作战

Older legends say that Merlin raised the stones by magic.更为古老的传说称墨林使用巫术堆起了那些巨石。

2. N-UNCOUNT不可数名词魔术;魔法 You can use magic when you are referring to an event that is so wonderful, strange, or unexpected that it seems as if supernatural powers have caused it. You can also say that something happens as if by magic or like magic.

All this was supposed to work magic...这一切被认为会创造奇迹。

The picture will now appear, as if by magic!这幅画立刻就会出现,好像变魔术一般!

The fog disappeared like magic.雾不可思议地消失了。

3. ADJ形容词(似)用魔法变成的;(似)用魔术变出的 You use magic to describe something that does things, or appears to do things, by magic. So it's a magic potion?那么,这是个神药?

...the magic ingredient that helps to keep skin looking smooth.有助于保持肌肤光滑的奇效成分

4. N-UNCOUNT不可数名词魔术;戏法 Magic is the art and skill of performing mysterious tricks to entertain people, for example by making things appear and disappear. His secret hobby: performing magic tricks.他私底下有变戏法的嗜好。

5. N-UNCOUNT不可数名词魅力;魔力;神奇(性) If you refer to the magic of something, you mean that it has a special mysterious quality which makes it seem wonderful and exciting to you and which makes you feel happy. with suppIt infected them with some of the magic of a lost age...逝去的岁月让他们平添了几分魅力。

There can be a magic about love that defies all explanation...爱情的魔力也许根本无法解释。

There were also moments of pure magic.也有一些时刻非常奇妙。

Magic is also an adjective.

Then came those magic moments in the rose-garden.接着,便是那些在玫瑰园里的奇妙时刻。

6. N-UNCOUNT不可数名词(令人钦佩的)特殊才能,能力 If you refer to a person's magic, you mean a special talent or ability that they have, which you admire or consider very impressive. with possThe fighter believes he can still regain some of his old magic.这位斗士相信自己仍然可以恢复从前的一些魔力。

7. ADJ形容词(数目、词语等)重要的,关键的,举足轻重的 You can use expressions such as the magic number and the magic word to indicate that a number or word is the one which is significant or desirable in a particular situation. n...their quest to gain the magic number of 270 electoral votes on Election Day.在大选之日他们对胜败攸关的270张选票的争取

...the magic word that opened doors onto private worlds.开启私人世界的咒语

8. ADJ形容词立见奇效的;立竿见影的 Magic is used in expressions such as there is no magic formula and there is no magic solution to say that someone will have to make an effort to solve a problem, because it will not solve itself. There is no magic formula for producing winning products...获奖电影的制作没有捷径可取。

There is no magic cure.灵丹妙药并不存在。

9. ADJ-GRADED能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词极好的;了不起的;非常棒的 If you say that something is magic, you think it is very good or enjoyable.



热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词