glide 歌词

时间:2024-09-23 07:20:08 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员

歌名:Gonna go, Wild Kratts

歌手:Pure West

作词:Pure West

作曲:Pure West

On Adventure with the coolest creatures


From the ocean to the trees


The brother Kratt are going places


You never get to see(Oh...)


Hanging with their creature friends


Get ready, it's the hour


We gonna save some animal today with


"Creature Power!"


Gonna go wild, wild Kratts


Gonna go wild, wild, wild Kratts


Gonna go wild, wild, wild Kratts


Gonna go wild, wild, wild, wild


Cheetah speed and lizard glide


Falcon flight and lion pride


Gonna go wild, wild Kratts


Gonna go wild, wild, wild Kratts


Gonna go wild, wild Kratts


Gonna go wild, wild, wild Kratts


Go wild, wild, wild Kratts



歌手Pure West演唱的这首歌曲《Gonna go, Wild Kratts》的歌曲总时长为3分05秒,歌手发行的《Gonna go, Wild Kratts》专辑之中收纳了这首歌曲,专辑于2016年6月1日开始发行,专辑包含了一首歌曲。

《Gonna go, Wild Kratts》这首歌曲也是歌手的众多优秀作品之一,这首歌曲发行之后,深受歌迷的追捧。歌手WildEvel演唱这首歌曲,收纳于其专辑《Tales from the Cave》之中,专辑收纳了17首歌曲。

Princess& Popstar Finale Medley


I found myself today我今天找到了自我

And now I'm glad to say而现在我可以开心地说

I'm living life我在过

Straight from the heart从心里想要的生活


Oh, what a gift to see噢真是个好礼物

I'm lucky to be me我很幸运能做自己

And now I just can't而现在我已经

Wait to start等不及去开始了


I keep on rising up我不停往上升

No coming down不下来了

So hang on for the ride所以来享受这场旅途吧

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

It's a beautiful view这是个美丽的视角

From up here in the sky从这上面的天空

There's nothing we can't do没有什么我们不能做的

Together me and you你和我一起

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

Oh, oh, look how high we can fly噢噢看我们能飞多高

On this perfect day在这个完美的日子

Nothing's standing in my way没有什么能阻挡我

On this perfect day在这个完美的日子

When nothing can go wrong当任何事都不能有错误

It's the perfect day这是完美的日子

Tomorrow's gonna come too soon明天就要来临

I could stay, Forever as I am我可以永远停留在这里只要我想

On this perfect day在这个完美的日子

It's a perfect day这是完美的日子

Here we are我们在这

Here we are我们在这

Here we are我们在这

Being who we want(be who we want)做我们想做的人

Giving what we got(give what we got)给予我们拥有的

Never a doubt now(never a doubt now)永远不要现在怀疑

Here we go从这我们出发

Burning like a spark(burn like a spark)像火把燃烧

Light up the dark again(here we go)重新照亮黑暗

Here we are我们在这

Being who we want(be who we want)做我们想做的人

Giving what we got(give what we got)给予我们拥有的

Never a doubt now(never a doubt now)永远不要现在怀疑

Here we go从这我们出发

Burning like a spark像火把燃烧

Light up the dark again重新照亮黑暗




Again and again and again(again and again and again and again)重新又重新又重新




Again and again and again and again and again重新又重新又重新又重新又重新

Here we go从这我们出发



Here I Am/Princesses Just Want To Have Fun


When I was young当我还年轻

I played for fun我整日玩

Made up the words说出的话

Nobody heard没人去听

But now I see但我现在看到

All eyes on me所有眼睛都看着我

And suddenly忽然间

I'm in a dream我梦想成真

I got a feeling now我现在有种感觉

Everything's right somehow有时一切都好转了

Here I am我在这

Being who I want做我想做的人

Giving what I got给予我拥有的

Never a doubt now永远不要现在怀疑

Here I go从这我出发

Burning like a spark像火把燃烧

Light up the dark again重新照亮黑暗

I wake up in the morning light我在晨光中醒来

The Duchess says"When you gonna live your life right?"公爵夫人说你何时才能正确的过你的生活

I know she thinks that I'm the fortunate one我知道她认为我是幸运的那个

But princesses wanna have fun但公主们想要有乐趣

Oh, princesses wanna have噢公主们想要有

That's all we really want那就是我们想要的

Is some fun一些乐趣

When the royal day is done等皇室工作结束

Princesses wanna have fun公主们想要有乐趣


I'm stepping up我往上爬

Right to the top直冲顶端

That's how I'm wired我把目标

I take it higher设得更高

I'm in control我在控制中

I broke the mould我突破形象

The girl you see你们看到的女孩

Is up to me取决于我

I'm lifting off the ground我从地面上升起

Finding the perfect sound找寻最完美的声

Here I am我在这

Being who I want做我想做的人

Giving what I got给予我拥有的

Never a doubt now永远不要现在怀疑

Here I go从这我出发

Burning like a spark像火把燃烧

Light up the dark again重新照亮黑暗




Again and again and again重新又重新又重新

Princesses wanna have fun公主想要有乐趣

Oh, princesses wanna have fun噢公主想要有乐趣

There's a star that's right inside you你身体里有一颗星星

So come on and let it out所以来吧把它放出来

Find out what you're about and just shout找出你到底是什么然后只要喊


"Here I Am"我在这

Being who I want做我想做的人

Giving what I got给予我拥有的

Never a doubt now永远不要现在怀疑

Here I go从这我出发

Burning like a spark像火把燃烧

Light up the dark again重新照亮黑暗

We just wanna我们只想要有

We just wanna我们只想要有

We just wanna我们只想要有

We just wanna我们只想要有

We just wanna我们只想要有

We just wanna我们只想要有

Princesses wanna have fun公主们想要有乐趣


Here I am我在这

Being who I want做我想做的人

Giving what I got给予我拥有的

Never a doubt now永远不要现在怀疑

Here I go从这我出发

Burning like a spark像火把燃烧

Light up the dark again重新照亮黑暗




Again and again and again重新又重新又重新

I Wish I Had Her Life


Look at her, in the spotlight看看她在聚光灯下

I love her purple hair我爱她的紫头发

She can do what she wants to她能做她想做的

As crazy as she dares敢多疯狂就多疯狂

She doesn't need to be polite她不必懂礼貌

I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活

Then I would be so free我就能那么自由

I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活

I'd be another me我就会是另一个我


Look at her, in the throne room看看她在王座室

Every hair just right每根头发都梳的那么整齐

She has tea in the morning她在早上用茶

And bonbons every night每晚有糖果吃

Wouldn't that be nice那简直太美妙了

I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活

Then I would be so free我就能那么自由

I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活

I'd be another me我就会是另一个我


They'd do my nails它们做我的指甲

I'd stroll the grounds我在庭园散步


I would wear, whatever我会穿任何服装

And then I'd rock然后我要摇滚


Have time for me有时间给我自己


It just might happen它也许



I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活

Then I would be so free我就能那么自由


And everything would suddenly而所有事就会忽然间

Be just the way that I dreamed it could be变成我梦中想要的一切


I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活


I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活


I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活


I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh噢噢噢噢噢


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh噢噢噢噢噢


So beautiful and bright那么美丽又明亮

I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活

To Be a Princess/ To Be a Popstar


To be a Princess is To know which spoon touse做一名公主是知道要用哪把勺子

To be a Princess Is a thousand Pair Of Shoes做一名公主是有上千双鞋子

Have Your Breakfast serve In bed在床上吃早餐

Wear Some Diamonds On your head在头上戴一些钻石

Get a Foot Massage And Mani-pedi too来个脚底按摩还有同时做手和脚

To be a Princess is to live a dream Come true做一名公主是生活在梦想成真中

Curtsey Princes Come to call行屈膝礼的王子来邀请你

Wear a new Gown To every Ball每场舞会都穿新礼服

all through the day There's Just one way You must Behave对你只有一个要求就是守规矩

Pose with a Feather In your hat戴有羽毛的帽子摆姿势

Stretch On a golden Yoga mat在金色瑜伽垫上伸展肢体

Bend from above And Always Wear your Gloves and Wave从高处鞠躬并总是戴着手套然后招手

Shoulders Back and肩膀后挺

Tummy In and腹部收起

Pinky out and小指翘起

Lift The chin and抬起下巴然后

Slowly turn your head from side-To–side慢慢把你的头转一转

Breathing gently缓缓呼吸

Stepping Lightly脚步轻盈

Smile Brightly笑容开朗

Nod Politely礼貌点头

Do everything you do withPride做你做的每件事时都带着自豪


To be a Princess Is to wear Your Family Crest做一名公主是戴着你家族的顶饰

To be a princess is to always Do your best做一名公主是永远做到最好


To be a popstar Is to Know which mike touse做一名摇滚歌星是知道要用哪个麦克风

To be a popstar Is to Not fall Off your shoes做一名摇滚歌星是不要掉落你的鞋

To Rehearse Until It's Right排练到一切正确

Give A great Show every Night每晚都给观众完美的演出

and Have A room Service For Anything you choose可以为你选的任何东西叫客房服务

To be a popstar Is to Love your Great Reviews做一名摇滚歌星是热爱你重大的报道

takeIn the latest Fashion show去最新的时装秀

Fly through A lunch To Mexico在一个午餐的时间里飞去墨西哥

No time for Friends Except Your Dog and your Guitar只有时间给你的狗和你的吉他没有时间给朋友

Tweet Everyone Your latest News在推特上给所有人发布你的最新消息

Sit for a Thousand Interviews坐下接受上千个采访

Love every fan No matter How Bizarre They are爱每个粉丝不管他们怎么奇异

Here's a Camera这有个相机

There's a camera那有个相机

And a camera还有个相机

And a camera还有个相机

And another Autograph To sign( Love Keira)还有另一个签名要签【爱你Keira】

Change your clothes and换身衣服

Strike a pose and摆个姿势

Walk a Crowd and在人群中走走

Take a Bow and Don't Forget To pose It AllOnline鞠一躬然后不要忘记把这些都放在网上


To be A popstar Is to never act Your age做一名摇滚歌星是永远不要做你这个年龄做的事

To be a popstar Is to make The world your stage做一名摇滚歌星是让世界做你的舞台



Shoulders back and肩膀后挺


Strike A pose and摆个姿势


Pinky out and小指翘起


Change Your clothes and换身衣服


Slowly turn Your head From Side- To– Side慢慢把你的头转一转


( I see Now)【我明白了】


Here's A camera这有个相机


Stepping Lightly脚步轻盈


There's a Camera那有个相机


Nod Politely礼貌点头


Do everything you do with Pride做你做的每件事时都带着自豪


To be a Princess Isto always do your Best做一名公主是永远做到最好

To be a Popstar To Leave them All Impressed做一名摇滚歌星是要他们都被折服

Perfect Day

Sun's up太阳起来了

A little after twelve十二点过了一点

Make breakfast for myself给自己做顿早餐

Leave the work for someone else把工作扔给别人做

People say人们说

They say that it's just aphase他们说这只是一个阶段

They tell me to act my age他们告诉我要做我这个年龄该做的事

Well I am我正在做

On this perfect day在这个完美的日子

Nothing's standing in my way没有什么能阻挡我

On this perfect day在这个完美的日子

When nothing can go wrong当任何事都不能有错

It's the perfect day这是完美的日子

Tomorrow's gonna come too soon明天就要来临

I could stay, forever as I am我可以永远停留在这里只要我想

On this perfect day在这个完美的日子

Sun's down太阳下山了

A little after ten十点过了一点

I pick up all my friends我接上所有朋友

In my Mercedes-Benz用我的梅德赛斯-奔驰

Wake up醒来吧

Don't tell me it's just a dream别告诉我那只是个梦

'Cause when I've had enough因为我已经有够多的了

You'll hear me say你会听到我说

Now don't you try to rain on my现在别试图降雨

Perfect day在我的完美日子里

Nothing's standing in my way没有事能阻挡我

On this perfect day在这个完美的日子

Nothing can go wrong任何事都不能有错

It's the perfect day这是完美的日子

Tomorrow's gonna come too soon明天就要来临

I could stay, forever as I am我可以永远停留在这里只要我想

On this perfect day在这个完美的日子

La la la啦啦啦

La la la啦啦啦

Oh, oh噢噢

I'm in the race我在竞赛中

But I've already won但我已经赢了

(La la la)啦啦啦

And getting there can而到达那里可以

Be half the fun有半点乐趣

(La la la)啦啦啦

So don't stop me所以不要阻止我

Till I'm good and done直到我完好而且完成

Don't you try to rain on my不要试图降雨

Perfect day在我的完美日子里

Perfect day完美的日子

On this perfect day在这个完美的日子


Look How High We Can Fly

I lost myself today我今天失去了自我

All work, no time to play全是工作没时间去玩

I'm holding on to what I know我抓住我知道的

Then this discovery然后这被发现了

Blindfolded, I could see蒙住眼睛我能看见

I'm catching on by letting go我放开手去抓住它

And now I'm rising up现在我往上升

No coming down不下来了

So hang on for the ride所以来享受这场旅途吧

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

We can see everything我们能看到一切

From up here in the sky从这上面的天空

We've got the perfect view我们有完美的视角

Together me and you你和我一起

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

Words come so easily词句来得那么简单

Hard to believe it's me很难相信这是我谱的曲

With every breath the feeling grows这感觉在每一口呼吸中增长

Take time to make time stop用时间来让时间停止

Unplug, turn off the clock拔掉关掉钟表

The less you try the more it flows努力越少浮得越高

I don't need to live in a fancy castle(oh no)我不用住在一座花俏城堡里【噢不用】

That isn't where I should be那里不是我该在的地方

Open up my heart and where it leads I'll follow打开我的心它指引我就跟着

Up high where I can be free到我能自由的更高的地方去

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

We can see everything我们能看到一切

From up here in the sky从这上面的天空

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

We can surf on the wind我们能在风上冲浪

So completely alive那么有生命力

There's nothing we can't do没有什么我们不能做的

Together me and you你和我一起

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

Princess& Popstar Finale Medley


I found myself today我今天找到了自我

And now I'm glad to say而现在我可以开心地说

I'm living life我在过

Straight from the heart从心里想要的生活


Oh, what a gift to see噢真是个好礼物

I'm lucky to be me我很幸运能做自己

And now I just can't而现在我已经

Wait to start等不及去开始了


I keep on rising up我不停往上升

No coming down不下来了

So hang on for the ride所以来享受这场旅途吧

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

It's a beautiful view这是个美丽的视角

From up here in the sky从这上面的天空

There's nothing we can't do没有什么我们不能做的

Together me and you你和我一起

Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高

Oh, oh, look how high we can fly噢噢看我们能飞多高

On this perfect day在这个完美的日子

Nothing's standing in my way没有什么能阻挡我

On this perfect day在这个完美的日子

When nothing can go wrong当任何事都不能有错误

It's the perfect day这是完美的日子

Tomorrow's gonna come too soon明天就要来临

I could stay, Forever as I am我可以永远停留在这里只要我想

On this perfect day在这个完美的日子

It's a perfect day这是完美的日子

Here we are我们在这

Here we are我们在这

Here we are我们在这

Being who we want(be who we want)做我们想做的人

Giving what we got(give what we got)给予我们拥有的

Never a doubt now(never a doubt now)永远不要现在怀疑

Here we go从这我们出发

Burning like a spark(burn like a spark)像火把燃烧

Light up the dark again(here we go)重新照亮黑暗

Here we are我们在这

Being who we want(be who we want)做我们想做的人

Giving what we got(give what we got)给予我们拥有的

Never a doubt now(never a doubt now)永远不要现在怀疑

Here we go从这我们出发

Burning like a spark像火把燃烧

Light up the dark again重新照亮黑暗




Again and again and again(again and again and again and again)重新又重新又重新




Again and again and again and again and again重新又重新又重新又重新又重新

Here we go从这我们出发



热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词