fixer 歌词

时间:2025-02-02 14:01:36 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员

怎么了亲爱的 What's the issue, dear?

你为何拒绝他呢 Why are you holding back from such a man?

因为他走路很笨拙 Is it the clumpy way he walks

还是他讲话太粗鲁 Or the grumpy way he talks

还是他的脚形状太奇怪 Or the pear-shaped, square-shaped

四四又方方大鸭梨一样 weirdness of his feet

他虽然勤洗澡And though we know he washes well

可还是有味道 he always ends up sorta smelly

但他细心又可爱世间绝无双But you'll never meet a fella who's as sensitive and sweet

他也许不完美 So he's a bit of a fixer upper

也有些缺点 So he's got a few flaws

他思维很奇葩 His peculiar brain, dear

又为驯鹿痴狂 His thing for the reindeer

这有些不合常理That outside a few of nature's laws

他还需要改良 So he's a bit of a fixer upper

但是我们坚信 But this we're certain of

你只要给他一点爱 You can fix this fixer upper up

就会让他发光 with a little bit of love

我们能不能先别说这个了Can we just stop talking about this?!

我们真遇上了麻烦 We've got a real, actual problem here.

亲爱的告诉我 I'll tell me dear.

是因为他容易胆怯 Is it the way that he runs scared

还是他不善社交Or that he's socially impaired

还是他只爱在森林里嘘嘘 Or that he only likes to tinkle in the woods

我不需要知道这个I do not need to know that.

因为金发显太娘所以你不喜欢他Are you holding back your fondness due to his unmanly blondeness

还是他假装不靠谱 Or the way he covers up

把自己隐藏 that he's the honest goods

他只是不完美He's just a bit of a fixer upper

他有些小瑕疵 He's got a couple a' bugs

(我才没有No, I don't.)

他太孤独His isolation is confirmation of

正说明他渴望拥抱 his desperation for healing hugs

他有些不完美So he's a bit of a fixer upper

但我们有办法But we know what to do

我们的办法就是让The way to fix up this fixer upper

你来雕琢他is to fix him up with you

停停停够了Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Enough!

她已经和别人订婚了好吗 She's engaged to someone else. Okay?!

所以问题出在她So she's a bit of a fixer upper

这更不重要That's a minor thing

口头订婚能取消This quote engagement is a flex arrangement

再说我没看到戒指呢 And by the way, I don't see no ring

所以问题出在她So she's a bit of a fixer upper

她在犹豫彷徨Her brain's a bit betwixt

只要把未婚夫搞定Get the fiance out of the way

那一切都解决了and the whole thing will be fixed

我们不是说让你改变他We aren't saying you can change him

因为改变一个人很难'Cause people don't really change

我们只是想说爱是一种力量We're only saying that love's a force

强大而奇妙That's powerful and strange

疯狂恐慌焦虑会让选择变糟糕People make bad choices if they're mad or scared or stressed

但是给他们一点爱 But throw a little love their way(throw a little love their way)

你就能让他们做到最好And you'll bring out their best

真爱让人做到最好&}True love brings out the best

每个人都不完美Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper

人生就是这样 That's what it's all about

父亲姐妹兄弟 Father, sister, brother

我们都相互需要We need each other

帮我们变好让我们成长to raise us up and round us out

每个人都不完美Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper

但到紧要关头But when push comes to shove

能让你我变完美的The only fixer upper fixer that can fix a fixer upper is

就是真真真真爱True, True, True, True, Love

爱~~真爱 Love, Love, Love, True Love

真~~ True-e-e-e-e-e

安娜Do you, Anna,

你愿意让克里斯托夫做你忠诚的...take Kristoff to be your trollfully wedded...

等等什么wait, what?!

你们要结婚啦You're getting married.

爱! Love!

Frank D. Fixer是一位非凡的手艺人,他凭借精湛的技艺,无所不能。他是我的祖父,亲手种植食物,修理汽车,那是在我们后院的日常,他以创新的思维改造破旧的家园,修复破碎的心灵。我梦想着自己也能像他一样,成为一个修理工,能够从内到外修复那些需要帮助的人,甚至在世界崩溃时,能建造一个小镇为他们庇护。

如果Frank D. Fixer今天还在世,他可能会以他的智慧和经验教导我,鼓励我继续为家庭付出,维持生活的稳定,成为他的接班人。然而,我对家族农场和我们曾经的家园充满了好奇,那个地方如今又如何呢?我依旧渴望成为那个能修复人心的修理工,把世界破碎的地方重建如新。


或许有一天,我会成为那个我所仰望的人,无论农夫的身份,或是修理匠的使命,都承载着对美好生活的向往和对家人的爱。那将是一个多么美妙的转变,将Frank D. Fixer的精神延续下去。

上一篇:fixed star歌词


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