
时间:2025-03-05 00:07:31 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员

片尾曲有3首《Groovy!》《Honey》《FRUITS CANDY》 1、Honey(英文)中文歌词: TOP在窗边托着脸颊目不转睛地看着末停的雨今天一直都独自一人而他此时在做什么呢?收集的记忆是宝物啊!心中一阵甜蜜啊不可思议啊!光是想起来就让人变得温柔像是在温牛奶里香甜地扩散开来的蜂蜜啊!也将心给溶化开了哟!只因他那微笑梦中的Honey抬头仰望猎户座的红宝石欢迎到属于我个人的观天仪来今晚即使在一起也观看不到所以现在要放大100万倍在天空描绘啊真美好啊!不论什麽时候都像是在身旁一样流下悲伤的眼泪而抱膝无法入睡夜晚也会给予我勇气哟!只因他那微笑梦中的Honey展开翅膀像是降临着满天星星的夜空一样啊!让我变坚强哟!只因他那微笑只属于我的Honey罗马拼音: TOP madobe ni hitori hoozuetsuite yamanai ame o jitto miteru kyou wa zutto hitori ima goro nani o shiteru no kana hiroiatsumeru kioku wa takaramono KYUN to shichau Ah fushigi da ne omoidasu dake de yasashiku nareru atatakai MIRUKU ni amaku hirogaru HACHIMITSU mitai da ne kokoro tokasu yo sono hohoemi wa sou totte oki no Honey miageru sora ORION no RUBII watashi dake no PURANETARIUMU ni ne youkoso konya mo issho ni iru to mitsumerarenai ima wa hyaku man bai no ZUUMUAPPU de sora ni egakou Ah suteki da ne donna toki datte soba ni iru mitai kanashii namida ni hiza o kakaete nemurenai yoru demo yuuki o kureru yo sono hohoemi wa sou totte oki no Honey tsubasa o hirogete maiorite kuru hoshizora no you da ne tsuyoku nareru yo sono hohoemi wa sou watashi dake no Honey英文歌词: TOP Alone, I lean on the windowsill, my cheek resting on my palm staring at the endless rain I've been alone all day I wonder what you're doing right now… The memories I collect are precious treasures Making my heart wrench Ah Isn't it strange? Just remembering makes me affectionate. Just like honey spreading out sweetly in warm milk My heart dissolves Your smile is the finest honey. Looking up in the sky at Orion's Ruby In my very own planetarium Welcome back again tonight When we're together, I can't gaze at the stars Now let's zoom up 100 thousand times and draw in the sky Ah Isn't it wonderful? It's like you're always by my side On nights when I can only curl up and cry sad tears you give me courage. Your smile is the finest honey. I spread my wings wide and alight from Heaven, like the star-filled sky I can be strong! Your smile is my very own honey.日文歌词: TOP窓辺にひとり頬ずえついて止まない雨をじっと见てる今日はずっとひとり今顷何をしてるのかな拾い集める记忆は宝物キュンとしちゃう Ah不思议だね思い出すだけで优しくなれる暖かいミルクに甘くひろがるハチミツみたいだね心溶かすよその微笑みはそうとっておきのHoney见上げる空オリオンのルビーわたしだけのプラネタリウムにねようこそ今夜も一绪にいるとみつめられない今は100万倍のズームアップで空に描こう Ah素敌だねどんな时だってそばに居るみたい悲しい涙にひざをかかえて眠れない夜でも勇気をくれるよその微笑みはそうとっておきのHoneyつばさをひろげて舞い降りてくる星空のようだね强くなれるよその微笑みはそうわたしだけのHoney 2、水果糖(中文) Fruits candy(英文)罗马拼音: TOP Tip Tap koi wa itsu datte CANDY FURUUTSU no you ni Tasty Good Luck sou ne mainichi ga SUNDAY awatenai de My Heart ame agari no machi e to dekakeyou BABURUGAMU to koukishin o fukuramase mizutamari ni utsutta blue blue sky namida mo kitto kawaku yo jelly bean Ah PASUTERU no hizashi ni shiawase mo AKUBI shiteru yukkuri to arukimasho Ah… Tip Tap marude yume miru CANDY hoobareba sugu ni Happy Good-bye totemo U2 na MONDAY aseranai de My Dream nayamigoto wa BERII no JAMU tsukete sukoshi sameta MIRUKUTII de nomihosou UINKU suru yozora no Shinin' Star tenshi ga asobu BII dama mitai Ah KARAFURU na kibun de kuchi zusamu amai MERODII FUIRUMU ga mawaridasu Ah… Tip Tap koi wa itsu datte CANDY FURUUTSU no you ni Tasty Good Luck sou ne mainichi ga SUNDAY awatenai de My Heart Tip Tap marude yume miru CANDY hoobareba sugu ni Happy Good-bye totemo U2 na MONDAY aseranai de Tip Tap koi wa itsu datte CANDY FURUUTSU no you ni Tasty Good Luck sou ne mainichi ga SUNDAY awatenai de My Heart日文歌词: TOP Tip Tap恋はいつだってCANDYフルーツのようにTasty Good Luckそうね毎日がSUNDAYあわてないで My Heart雨上がりの街へと出かけようバブルガムと好奇心をふくらませ水たまりに映った blue blue sky涙もきっと乾くよ jelly bean Ahパステルの阳射しに幸せもアクビしてるゆっくりと歩きましょ Ah… Tip Tapまるで梦见るCANDY頬张ればすぐにHappy Good-byeとてもU2なMONDAYあせらないで My Dream悩み事はベリーのジャムつけて少し冷めたミルクティーで饮みほそうウインクする夜空のShinin' Star天使が游ぶビー玉みたい Ahカラフルな気分で口ずさむ甘いメロディーフィルムが回り出す Tip Tap恋はいつだってCANDYフルーツのようにTasty Good Luckそうね毎日がSUNDAYあわてないで My Heart Tip Tapまるで梦见るCANDY頬张ればすぐにHappy Good-byeとてもU2なMONDAYあせらないで Tip Tap恋はいつだってCANDYフルーツのようにTasty Good Luckそうね毎日がSUNDAYあわてないで My Heart中文歌词:TOP Tip Tap爱情就像CANDY像水果般的Tasty Good luck没错天天都是SUNDAY别慌呀 My heart到雨后的街道走走吧鼓起泡泡糖和好奇心映入水塘的blue blue sky泪水也一定能拭乾jelly bean Ah粉蜡笔的阳光让幸福也打起呵欠悠闲地去散散步 Ah……Tip Tap如梦似幻的CANDY张开大口吃下立刻Happy Good-bye非常U2的MONDAY别急呀 My Dream烦恼的事就沾著果酱和著有点冷掉的奶茶一饮而尽夜空的Shinin Star一闪一闪彷佛天使玩耍的玻璃弹珠 Ah怀著绚丽的心情哼唱甜美的旋律往事历历浮现眼前 Ah... Tip Tap爱情就像CANDY像水果般的Tasty Good luck没错天天都是SUNDAY别慌呀 My heart Tip Tap如梦似幻的CANDY张开大口吃下立刻Happy Good-bye非常U2的MONDAY别急呀 My Dream Tip Tap爱情就像CANDY像水果般的Tasty Good luck没错天天都是SUNDAY别慌呀 My heart英文歌词: TOP Tip Tap love is always candy, tasty, like fruit. Good luck. That's right, every day is Sunday Don't get rattled, my heart. Let's go out to the city after the rain Making our curiosity swell up like a bubblegum bubble The puddle reflects a blue, blue sky Without a doubt, tears will dry up too. Jelly bean Ah Let's take our time walking in the pastel sunlight through the happy days and unlucky days. Ah Ah Ah Ah Tip Tap Candy just like we dream of If we stuff our mouths, soon we'll be happy Good-bye to such a depressing Monday. Don't fade, my dream. Our worries have berry jam spread on top of them Let's down them with some slightly chilled milk tea Winking in the night sky, a shinin' star An angel plays With a feeling as colorful… Ah…as a marble, I whistle a sweet melody as the film goes around. Ah Ah Ah Ah Tip Tap love is always candy, tasty, like fruit. Good luck. That's right, every day is Sunday Don't get rattled, my heart. Tip Tap Candy just like we dream of If we stuff our mouths, soon we'll be happy Good-bye to such a depressing Monday. Don't fade… Tip Tap love is always candy, tasty, like fruit. Good luck. That's right, every day is Sunday Don't get rattled, my heart. 3、Groovy!(英文)中文歌词: TOP上街去吧!一个人的话只不过是黑暗孤单罢了翻跟斗落下来只会更加烦恼不已飞奔出去吧!不用担心从古早开始地球就旋转着月亮一定也都跟着旋转呀! Brand-New Love Song哈里露亚!大家敝开心胸来相亲相爱吧!虽单调的日常生活,平淡的感情却常常也会有要守护的东西眺望城市,电话和电脑都是通往未来的门隐藏然后找寻哟!这世上是宝岛一起拍动翅膀,做点快乐的事吧!从古早开始,夜晚到天明,太阳也会升起太阳绝对会照耀大地的 Groovy Love Song哈里露亚!忘掉讨厌的事相亲相爱吧!虽同情的现状,坚定的友情却常常会有得行动的时候 Dancing in the street Grooving to the light through the night Brand-New Love Song哈里露亚!大家敝开心胸来相亲相爱吧! Groovy Love Song哈里露亚!忘掉讨厌的事相亲相爱吧! Brand-New Love Song哈里露亚!为了明天而跳舞吧! Groovy Love Song哈里露亚!常常也会有不得不行动的时候变得温柔吧变得坦率吧┅┅┅罗马拼音: TOP machi ni dekakeyou hitori de ita tte kurai dake desho RUUPU shite ochikonde nao sara ah nayanjatte soto ni tobidasou shinpai IRANAI oomukashi kara chikyuu datte mawatteru kitto TSUKI datte mawaru yo Brand-New Love Song HARE HARERUYA! Minna HAJIkete aishiaou tanchou na nichijou tsuujou na kanjou mamoranakucha DAME na koto itsumo aru machi o miwatasou denwa ya PASOKON mo mirai no tobira kakureteru sagasou yo kono yo wa takarajima sa issho ni habatakou tanoshii koto shiyou oomukashi kara yoru wa akeru hi wa noboru zettai taiyou wa terasu no Groovy Love Song HARE HARERUYA! YA na koto wasure aishiaou doujou na genjou ganjou na yuujou ugokanakucha DAME na toki itsumo aru Dancing in the street Grooving to the light through the night Brand-New Love Song HARE HARERUYA! Minna HAJIkete aishiaou Groovy Love Song HARE HARERUYA! YA na koto wasure aishiaou Groovy Love Song HARE HARERUYA! Ashita no tame ni odorou Groovy Love Song HARE HARERUYA! Ugokanakucha DAME na toki itsumo aru yasashiku narimashou sunao ni narimashou yasashiku narimashou sunao ni narimashou yasashiku narimashou……日文歌词: TOP街に出かけよう一人でいたって暗いだけでしょループして落ち込んでなおさら ah悩んじゃって外に飞び出そう心配イラナイ大昔から地球だってまわってるきっとツキだってまわるよ Brand-New Love Songハレハレルヤ!みんなハジけて爱し合おう単调な日常通常な感情守らなくちゃダメなこといつもある街を见渡そう电话やパソコンも未来の扉隠れてる探そうよこの世は宝岛さ一绪にはばたこう楽しいことしよう大昔から夜は明ける阳は升る绝対太阳は照らすの Groovy Love Songハレハレルヤ!ヤなこと忘れ爱し合おう同情な现状顽丈な友情动かなくちゃダメな时いつもある Dancing in the street Grooving to the light through the night Brand-New Love Songハレハレルヤ!みんなハジけて爱し合おう Groovy Love Songハレハレルヤ!ヤなこと忘れ爱し合おう Brand-New Love Songハレハレルヤ!明日のために踊ろう Groovy Love Songハレハレルヤ!动かなくちゃダメな时いつもある优しくなりましょう素直になりましょう…

歌曲:《your body is a wonderland》

歌手:John Mayer(约翰·梅尔)

词曲:John Mayer(约翰·梅尔)

所属专辑:《Room for Squares》

发行时间: 2001年09月18日


we got the afternoon我们拥有一整个悠闲的下午

you got this room for two你为我俩找了一间房间

one thing i've left to do而我接下来唯一要做的事

discover me,discovering you探索你,如同探索我一样

one mile to every inch of你身上的每一寸肌肤

your skin like porcelain是如此的吹弹可破

one pair of candy lips and有着如蜜糖般的朱唇

your bubblegum tongue及让人想细细品味的舌尖

'cause if you want love如果你想要爱

we'll make it我们可以悉心营造

swimming a deep sea of blankets让我们在这些毛毯中恣意游动

take all your big plans and break'em把你原有的计划都都抛诸脑后吧

this is bound to be a while因为我们需要慢慢体会这一切

your body is a wonderland你的身体是美妙仙境

your body is a wonder(i'll use my hands)你的身体如此美妙(我会用我的双手去体会)

your body is a wonderland你的身体是美妙仙境

something'bout the way the hair falls in your face你秀发垂覆盖在的脸上的那副模样有种神奇的魔力

i love the shape you take when crawling towards the pillowcase


you tell me where to go and though i might leave to find it你告诉着我该怎么做,让我的手在你身上游走

i'll never let your head hit the bed,without my hand behind it就让我的手臂当你的枕头,让你可以放心的躺下去

you want love?你想要爱吗?

we'll make it我们可以悉心营造

swimming a deep sea of blankets让我们在这些毛毯中恣意游动

take all your big plans and break'em把你原有的计划都抛诸脑后吧

this is bound to be a while因为我们需要慢慢体会这一切

your body is a wonderland你的身体是美妙仙境

your body is a wonder(i'll use my hands)你的身体如此美妙(我会用手去体会)

your body is a wonderland你的身体是美妙仙境

damn baby天哪,宝贝

you frustrate me你让我心灰意冷

i know you're mine all mine all mine我知道你是一直是属于我的

but you look so good it hurts sometimes你看起来太美了,美到让我心疼

your body is a wonderland你的身体是美妙仙境

your body is a wonder(i'll use my hands)你的身体如此美妙(我会用手去体会)

your body is a wonderland你的身体是美妙仙境


John Mayer(约翰·梅尔)1977年10月16日生于美国康乃狄克州,创作歌手,作曲家,专栏作家。

他最早的两张专辑《Room For Squares》和《Heavier Things》取得了白金唱片的成就。

2003年,凭借《Your Body Is a Wonderland》获得了第45届格莱美奖最佳流行音乐男歌手的称号。


2007年又以《Waiting On The World To Change》获得第49届格莱美奖最佳流行音乐男歌手。


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热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词