bella luna 歌词

时间:2025-03-05 03:02:05 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员


姑娘的秋波不是歌剧名,而是donizetti的歌剧<Don Pasquale>里面最著名的抒情带花腔女高音咏叹调名字,女一号主打唱段.



Quel guardo il cavaliere

in mezzo al cor trafisse

piegò il ginocchio e disse:

son vostro cavalier!

E tanto era in quel guardo

sapor di paradiso,

che il cavalier Riccardo,

tutto d'amor conquiso,

giurò che ad altra mai

non volgeria il pensier."


Ah, ah! Ah, ah!

So anch'io la virtù magica

d'un guardo a tempo e loco,

so anch'io come si bruciano

i cori a lento foco,

d'un breve sorrisetto

conosco anch'io l'effetto,

di menzognera lagrima,

d'un subito languor.

Conosco i mille modi

dell'amorose frodi,

i vezzi, e l'arti facili

per adescare un cor.

Ho testa bizzarra;

son pronta, vivace...

mi piace scherzar,

mi piace brillar.

Se monto in furore

di rado sto al segno,

ma in riso lo sdegno


fo presto a cambiar.

Ho la testa bizzarra,

ma core eccellente.

E il dottor non si vede!

Oh, che impazienza!

Del romanzetto ordito

a gabbar don Pasquale,

ond'ei toccommi in fretta,

poco o nulla ho capito,

ed or l'aspetto...

(Entra un servo, le porge una lettera ed esce. Norina guardando la soprascritta.)

La man d'Ernesto... io tremo.

(legge: dà cenni di sorpresa, poi di costernazione)

Oh! me meschina!


That glance pierced the knight

through the centre of his heart

he bent his knee and said

I am your knight!

And in that glance

was such a foretaste of paradise,

that the knight Riccardo

completely conquered by love

swore that to another woman

he would never turn his thoughts."


Ha! Ha! Ha!

I too know the magical power

of a glance at the right time and place

I too know how hearts burn

over a slow fire,

I know the effect

of a brief little smile,

of a lying tear,

of a sudden languor.

I know the thousand methods

of amorous deceptions,

the charms and the simple arts

to beguile a heart.

I have an ardent nature

I am alert, lively…

I like to joke,

I like to sparkle.

If I fall into a rage

I seldom hold it in check,

but I am soon ready to change


my anger into a laugh

I have an ardent nature

but an excellent heart.

And there's no sign of the doctor!

Oh, I'm getting impatient!

of the little tale of a scheme

to trick Don Pasquale

at which he hinted in haste,

I understood little or nothing

and now I await him…

(Enter a servant, gives her a letter and exits. Norina, looking at the signature)

Edward's handwriting…I tremble.

(reads, gives signs of surprise, then of consternation.)

Oh! Woe is me!


Mystery the moon神秘莫测的月亮,

a hole in the sky是那空中深邃的洞壑,

a supernatural nightlight是那扑朔迷离的夜色,

so full but often right盈满如此,依旧如斯,

a pair of eyes a closing one是那一阖一现的明媚双眸,

a chosen child of golden sun是那太阳唯一相中的幸运儿

a marble dog that chases cars是那琉璃玉兽,追随那宝马雕车,

to farthest reaches of the beach and far beyond into the swimming sea of stars是那琉璃玉兽,追随那宝马雕车,直到天涯海角,直到银河九霄。

the cosmic fish they love to kiss星空中鱼儿依偎成双,

they're giving birth to constellations绮丽幻化成恒美星座。

no riffs and oh no reservation不紧不漫,悠然自若,

if they should fall you'd get a wish or dedication如果有朝一日从天陨落,夙愿或是奉献由你掌握,

ay i suggest you get the best那我祝你如偿所愿,

for nothing less than you and i因为你我是如此相濡以沫。

let's take a chance as this romance is rising让我们趁浪漫氤氲而生

oh before we lose the lighting在幸运之光消逝前一秒,

oh bella bella please噢,曼妙的月啊,

bella you beautiful luna你那摄人的魅力啊,

oh bella do what you do今夜无法自己…

you are an illuminated anchor你是那光明的使者,

of leagues to infinite number浩瀚众生由你恩泽,

a crashing waves and breaking thunder在破浪时刻,与雷鸣相合

tiding the ebb and flows of hunger唱着欲望那潮起潮落之歌。

you're dancing naked there for me你轻踏舞步,为我义无反顾

you expose all memory掀开所有记忆之幕,

you make the most of boundary视所有束缚如无物

you're the ghost of royalty imposing love你是凌驾于灵魂的无上之爱,

you are the queen and king combining everything你是国王与王后拥揽世间一切,

intertwining like a ring around the finger of a girl你是那枚纤纤玉手上挥之不去的命运之戒。

i'm just a singer, you're the world我只是一个歌手,而你是这全世界,

all i can bring ya我所能证明的,

is the language of a lover唯有爱人的话语最真切,

(the language the language the language of love)

bella luna噢,曼妙的月啊,

my beautiful beautiful moon uh我最美,最妙的月啊,

how you swoon me like no other你怎么能让我如此神魂颠倒…

may i suggest you get the best请允许我祝你如偿所愿,

of your wish may i insist请相信我对此坚持不变,

that no contest for little you or smaller i何必再斤斤计较,你的渺小和我的微不足道,

a larger chance said but all them may lie命运之神或许会再次垂怜,

on the rise, on the brink of our lives在生命的每次起起落落间,

bella please噢,曼妙的月啊,

bella you, beautiful luna你那摄人的魅力啊,

oh bella do what you do今夜无法自己…

bella luna, my beautiful beautiful moon我最美,最妙的月啊,

how you swoon me like no other, oh oh你怎么能让我如此神魂颠倒…噢…

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