
时间:2025-02-06 19:02:33 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员

1234-李夏怡 Hey C’mon now I said 1 2 3阿气多来嘎你高拉能恰嘎肯可慢耶桥列可太来嘎阿lia阿气米爸能所你诶 ko晨桥慢几票能嘚要桥你穷新摸恰聊外 I’m sick and tired闹也为扫累奥扫喷 liar ooh一杰错高叫住来 I think I’m going going crazy ooh I think I’m going going crazy ooh套比恰哈给哭气能马撒拉叫juo桥毛你 no no Nananananana哭恰哈给屋气能马他一桥桌永我你 no no Listen男高囧哈气马ko闹那恰来你可龙东囧大为皮流(哦不)扫 uh I said 1 and 2 and 3 4 ooh西嘎你摸等高海giao哈高呀 1 and 2 and 3 4 ooh game over game over ooh game over那嘎疼要家哦地嘎多论西ko bua多破gi得木累太罗能 sexy太lon穷苏那美男恰得嫩屋ko嘎累油气哈给 I’m sick and tired闹也为扫累奥扫喷 liar ooh杰爸错高叫住来 I think I’m going going crazy ooh I think I’m going going crazy ooh套比恰哈给哭气能马撒拉叫juo桥毛你 no no Nananananana哭恰哈给屋气能马他一桥桌永我你 no no Listen男高囧哈气马ko闹那恰来你可龙东囧大为皮流(哦不)扫 uh I said 1 and 2 and 3 4 ooh西嘎你摸等高海giao哈高呀 1 and 2 and 3 4 ooh game over game over ooh game over闹木那阿怕抱扫一桥那 bua Hey baby刀那嘎juo I said 1 and 2 and 3 4 ooh西嘎你摸等高海giao哈高呀 1 and 2 and 3 4 ooh game over game over ooh game over 1 and 2 and 3 4 1 and 2 and 3 4 1 and 2 and 3 4 game over game over game over

热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词