
时间:2025-03-11 09:56:34 来源:学知识网词语词典 作者:管理员

““Lovesick like a dog with canine sensitivity


Developing this new theory of relativity


Connecting our souls resting in captivity


Positive life sacrifice what it is to me


Our history, only a quarter of a century


Reality, sitting on the shoulders of our chemistry


See ain't no mystery, the colours that we mix will set the mind free即便看似乎毫无神秘可言,我们混合的色彩却能解放心智!

Let the blind see beyond harmony!


Breathe life into dead space blow away clouds of doubt


New territory we determine to be Everything a safe heaven is supposed to be


Now it might seem distant but the time is near


When our thoughts take offand split the atmosphere Pure sound wave travel semi-infinitely Plus I'll see you there utmost definitely


cause the beat plus the melodyMakes me speak of L.O.V.Eeloquently so evidently


cause the beat plus the melodyMakes me speak of L.O.V.Eeloquently so evidently


Good gracious, every process has a genesis and ends with a revelation


God bless this opportunity for me to find a voice For some words that have waited for way too long


Low wages, Small tips on the avenue


Haven't you heard the news lately?


Seems we've been living for sometimes in a purgatory


But yo, I thought I knew what a love songsound like


But I felt a warmer tune in the sunlight


I could still hear it in the room past midnight


Gotta move, take a solo cruise in the moon light


Sometimes I do forget, Oh how much we could ease the lives we lead


If we learn to let go, the reins that we hold


Return to our souls, and the spirit let flow


So you see, upon everyday faces there's a million shades to Express definition of grace


But the method I choose me perrogative


There's so much love in me I got to give.




'cause the beat plus the melodyMakes me speak of L.O.V.Eeloquently so evidently


Oh how I could write a book on how you make me feel


But how about this song that I wrote for you?


What I feel like...I wanna put my trusts in these simple words

我感觉像...我想把我的信任通过这些简单的词藻和盘托出来让你感受到我想倾吐的思绪,你感受到了吗? For you to feel what I'm saying, what you feel like? Reminisce about the little episodes that we shared together


Remember the time that you told me

还记得那次你告诉我 I

n the cold night, to relax when all I knew was to hold tight


Remember the time that I spoke to the crowd in a full house and Realizes that you was my ace?


I was the joker on the stage singing the blues All eyes on me and had nothing to prove


But yo, I thought I knew what a diamond shine like


But I felf a sharper love in the limelite From the queen of hearts watching me quitely in the upper deck balcony


Sometimes I do suspect, I'm a actor in a well-scripted live divine comedy When I look back at the frozen slice of time and try to defrost the feeling lost


Now enough with the metaphors, the motivation that I wrote this letter for For you to know that the music held us carry onLike you say a new day will bring us tomorrow...


'cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently”


““Lovesick like a dog with canine sensitivity为情所困让人直觉变的像狗一样敏锐 Developing this new theory of relativity细细体会我们的关系 Connecting our souls resting in captivity发现彼此的灵魂都被禁锢着无法相连 Positive life sacrifice what it is to me我确信对我来说(要解除它)意味着生命中的一些献祭 Our history, only a quarter of a century我们相遇的时光,只不过是世纪中的一刻 Reality, sitting on the shoulders of our chemistry却在现实中深深的彼此吸引 See ain't no mystery, the colours that we mix will set the mind free即便看似乎毫无神秘可言,我们混合的色彩却能解放心智! Let the blind see beyond harmony!让被蒙蔽者感受我们的和谐! Breathe life into dead space blow away clouds of doubt往毫无生气可言的空间里注入我们鲜活的生命吹走疑云 New territory we determine to be Everything a safe heaven is supposed to be我们决意打造出一片极乐净土! Now it might seem distant but the time is near虽然目标看似遥远但大时已至 When our thoughts take off and split the atmosphere Pure sound wave travel semi-infinitely Plus I'll see you there utmost definitely当我们拿掉顾虑,纯净的天籁之音就会划破天际并且,我们注定会在那里相遇' cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱 cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱 Good gracious, every process has a genesis and ends with a revelation神啊,每一件已知的事情都会有始必有终 God bless this opportunity for me to find a voice For some words that have waited for way too long神,请保佑我能为自己压抑已久的心声找到适合倾吐的机会 Low wages, Small tips on the avenue低微的薪酬,大街上的小广告 Haven't you heard the news lately?你有听到什么最近(应聘)的消息吗 Seems we've been living for sometimes in a purgatory看起来我们不得不暂时过段苦境中的日子了 But yo, I thought I knew what a love song sound like但是你知道吗,我想我知道一首爱情歌曲听起来是什么感觉 But I felt a warmer tune in the sunlight那是阳光中一种温暖的频率 I could still hear it in the room past midnight在房间里我仍然能听到过去午夜里那电台的声音 Gotta move, take a solo cruise in the moon light必须动身了,展开一段月光下的独自漫游 Sometimes I do forget, Oh how much we could ease the lives we lead有时我时常忘记减缓我们生活的节奏 If we learn to let go, the reins that we hold如果我们能学会如何面对不能忘却的感情做到释然 Return to our souls, and the spirit let flow回归我们的灵魂,我们就能感受到心灵的律动 So you see, upon everyday faces there's a million shades to Express definition of grace现在你明白了,为什么优雅如此难以展现(因为每日面具下都有百万计的顾虑束缚着你的心灵) But the method I choose me perrogative但是我必须用自己的方式去表达 There's so much love in me I got to give.因为我内心的大爱必须给予(chorus)(合唱)'cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱 Oh how I could write a book on how you make me feel噢我多么希望能就你给我的感觉写一本书 But how about this song that I wrote for you?(可惜我不能)但是我为你写的这首歌曲如何? What I feel like...I wanna put my trusts in these simple words我感觉像...我想把我的信任通过这些简单的词藻和盘托出来让你感受到我想倾吐的思绪,你感受到了吗? For you to feel what I'm saying, what you feel like? Reminisce about the little episodes that we shared together追忆记忆里我们共享时光那段日子里的那些小插曲 Remember the time that you told me还记得那次你告诉我 I n the cold night, to relax when all I knew was to hold tight在那个寒夜,你紧紧拥抱着我告诉我放松 Remember the time that I spoke to the crowd in a full house and Realizes that you was my ace?还记得那次我对满屋子的人群宣称你就是我的至爱 I was the joker on the stage singing the blues All eyes on me and had nothing to prove所有眼神仿佛都在嘲笑我是舞台上那哼着蓝调的滑稽小丑 But yo, I thought I knew what a diamond shine like唯有你,我所发掘的闪耀的宝石 But I felf a sharper love in the limelite From the queen of hearts watching me quitely in the upper deck balcony我从高台上那静静望着我的红心女皇的心中感受到了清晰无限的爱 Sometimes I do suspect, I'm a actor in a well-scripted live divine comedy When I look back at the frozen slice of time and try to defrost the feeling lost有时当我回顾时光镜子冰冷的碎片,试图找回那失落的冰封记忆时真的相当怀疑我是一出神赐完美的喜剧脚本里的主角 Now enough with the metaphors, the motivation that I wrote this letter for For you to know that the music held us carry on Like you say a new day will bring us tomorrow...言归正传,我为你写下这封欣的动机是让你理解伴随我们的音乐的意味如同你所说的明天一定会更好'cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently so evidently”因为旋律的节拍让我能毫无掩饰的宣泄出我的爱找到了啊~~lz谢谢我吧~~嘿嘿我也很爱听这歌、、现在是空间背景音乐呢参考资料:

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